Embedded System
S.No | PROJECT NAME | Download |
DST KT C 01 | Smart Card And Password Based Authenication System | |
DST KT C 02 | Smart Meter With Non Intrusive Load Monitoring | |
DST KT C 03 | Electical Line Protection Based On Circuit Breaker | |
DST KT C 04 | Remote Control For Smart Grid System | |
DST KT C 05 | Smart Locks System For Home Appliances | |
DST KT C 06 | Automatic Load Sharing Of Transformer | |
DST KT C 07 | Universal Motor Speed Control Using SCR | |
DST KT C 08 | Real Time Clock And Sensor Based Street Light Control | |
DST KT C 09 | Energy Meter Data Reading And Alert | |
DST KT C 010 | Chopper Based Dc Motor Speed Control | |
DST KT C 011 | Real Time Clock Based Water Level Monitoring System | |
DST KT C 012 | Substation Monitoring | |
DST KT C 013 | Distribution Transmission Line Security Monitoring And Protection | |
DST KT C 014 | RF Based Dc Motor Speed And Direction Control | |
DST KT C 015 | Area Based Electric Line Control | |
DST KT C 016 | LDR Based Light Intensity Control | |
DST KT C 017 | Automatic Bell Alert And Temperature Monitoring System | |
DST KT C 018 | Power Failure In Industries | |
DST KT C 019 | Over And Under Voltage Protection For Lead Acid Battery | |
DST KT C 020 | Smart Billing System For Home | |
DST KT C 021 | Environmental Data Acquisition And Control System | |
DST KT C 022 | Automatic Irrigation Water Pump Control | |
DST KT C 023 | Power Electronic Device For Motor Speed Control | |
DST KT C 024 | Industrial Parameter Monitoring And Protection | |
DST KT C 025 | Automatic Voltage Protection System For Electric Device | |
DST KT C 026 | Automatic Mains Changeover Switch For Uninterrupted Power Supply | |
DST KT C 027 | Automatic Water Level Monitoring And Control | |
DST KT C 028 | Remote Based Device Control | |
DST KT C 029 | DC Motor Speed Measurement Using Speed Sensor | |
DST KT C 030 | Voltage And Temperature Based Protection Of Device | |
DST KT C 031 | Authentication Of Card Based Device Control | |
DST KT C 032 | Motor Defect Protection From Different Faults | |
DST KT C 033 | Temperature Depended Fan Speed Control | |
DST KT C 034 | Fire Prevention System For Industries | |
DST KT C 035 | RTC Based Street Light Control | |
DST KT C 036 | Hand Movement Based Electric Device Control | |
DST KT C 037 | Temperature Based Static Device Control | |
DST KT C 038 | Automatic Shopping Malls Devices Control | |
DST KT C 039 | Bi-Direction Control Of DC Motor | |
DST KT C 040 | Static Relay For Protection Of Electric Device | |
DST KT C 041 | Time And Temperature Based Oven Control | |
DST KT C 042 | Voltage Level Based Device Control | |
DST KT C 043 | Dam Gate Control Based On Water Level | |
DST KT C 044 | IGBT Based DC Motor Speed Control | |
DST KT C 045 | Over Current Relay Protection | |
DST KT C 046 | Time Based Load Parameters Monitoring In Industry | |
DST KT C 047 | Automatic Railway Gate Control Using IR Sensor | |
DST KT C 048 | Identification Of Voltage Faults In Different Lines | |
DST KT C 049 | Boost Converter | |
DST KT C 050 | Three Phase Power Supply Monitoring And Alert System | |
DST KT C 051 | DC Motor Speed Control Based On Thermister Heating | |
DST KT C 052 | Command Based DC Motor Speed Control | |
DST KT C 053 | Power Distribution System For Industries Using RTC | |
DST KT C 054 | Light Dependent Resistor Based Street Light Control | |
DST KT C 055 | Light Dependent Resistor Based Street Light Control | |
DST KT C 056 | Motor Fault Protection | |
DST KT C 01 | DC Motor Direction Control | |
DST KT C 02 | Temperature Based Fan Control | |
DST KT C 03 | LDR Based Street Light Control System | |
DST KT C 04 | Person Detection And Alert System By Using IR Sensor | |
DST KT C 05 | Power Failure Alert System | |
DST KT C 06 | Power Supply Indication System | |
DST KT C 07 | Fire Alert System | |
DST KT C 08 | Rain Based Dam Control | |
DST KT C 09 | Temperature Based Motor Control | |
DST KT C 010 | Wireless Device Control | |
DST KT C 011 | Voltage Fault Alert System | |
DST KT C 012 | Curret Fault Alert System | |
DST KT C 013 | Wireless Device Control | |
DST KT C 014 | Wireless DC Motor Direction Control |
Branch: Electronics and Communication
Topic: Embedded Systems
S.no. | Project code | Project theme | Technology | Download |
1 | TODST-EMBD01 | Automated Health Alerts Using In-Home Sensor Data for Embedded Health Assessment | Embedded system | |
2 | TODST-EMBD02 | Model-Based Mean Arterial Pressure Estimation Using Simultaneous Electrocardiogram and Oscillometric Blood Pressure Measurements | INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT | |
3 | TODST-EMBD03 | On the Potential of Bluetooth Low Energy Technology for Vehicular Applications | SENSOR NETWORKS | |
4 | TODST-EMBD04 | Multi-hop WBAN Construction for Healthcare IoT Systems | Multi-hop | |
5 | TODST-EMBD05 | Development of Android-based on-line monitoring and control system for Renewable Energy Sources | Communication, and Control Technology | |
6 | TODST-EMBD06 | Snap n’ Shop: Visual Search-Based Mobile Shopping Made a Breeze by Machine and Crowd Intelligence | Semantic Computing | |
7 | TODST-EMBD07 | Personal Lung Function Monitoring Devices for Asthma Patients | Data Communication, | |
8 | TODST-EMBD08 | Android Based Health Care Monitoring System | Information Embedded and Communication Systems | |
9 | TODST-EMBD09 | Secure and Privacy-Preserving Smartphone-Based traffic Information Systems | intelligent transportation systems | |
10 | TODST-EMBD010 | An Implementation of Mobile Control Room Environment in Android Platform for Industrial Applications | Power and Computing Technologies | |
11 | TODST-EMBD011 | RFID-based System for School Children Transportation Safety Enhancement | Data Communication, | |
12 | TODST-EMBD012 | Design and Implementation of Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS/GSM/GPRS Technology and Smartphone Application | Data Communication, | |
13 | TODST-EMBD013 | Home based health monitoring system using android smartphone | Data Communication, | |
14 | TODST-EMBD014 | Wireless ECG monitoring system using 3G | Data Communication, | |
15 | TODST-EMBD015 | Android Interface based GSM Home Security System | Android | |
16 | TODST-EMBD016 | Design and Implementation of a WiFi Sensor Device Management System | Data Communication, | |
17 | TODST-EMBD017 | Biometric Fingerprint Authentication with Minutiae using Ridge Feature Extraction | Pervasive Computing | |
18 | TODST-EMBD018 | Bandit Framework For Systematic Learning In Wireless Video-Based Face Recognition | Signal Processing | |
19 | TODST-EMBD019 | Bimodal Biometric Identification with Palmprint and Iris Traits using Fractional coefficients of Walsh, Haar, and Kekre Transforms | Information & Computing Technology | |
20 | TODST-EMBD020 | An efficient finger vein indexing scheme based on unsupervised clustering | Data Communication, | |
21 | TODST-EMBD021 | Security enhancement of internet banking applications by using multimodal biometrics | Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics | |
22 | TODST-EMBD022 | Joint Feature Extraction and Classifier Design for ECG Based Biometric Recognition | Data Communication, | |
23 | TODST-EMBD023 | A Bendable and Wearable Cardiorespiratory Monitoring Device Fusing Two Noncontact Sensor Principles | Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks | |
24 | TODST-EMBD024 | Advanced Insulin Bolus Advisor Based on Run-To-Run Control and Case-Based Reasoning | HEALTH INFORMATICS, | |
25 | TODST-EMBD025 | The Development of a Blood Leakage Monitoring System for the Applications in Hemodialysis Therapy | Data Communication, | |
26 | TODST-EMBD026 | Recent Advances in Wearable Sensors for Health Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
27 | TODST-EMBD027 | Effects of Wireless Power Transfer on Capacitive Coupling Human Body Communication | MECHATRONICS | |
28 | TODST-EMBD028 | The Patient-centric Mobile Healthcare System enhancing Sensor Connectivity and Data Interoperability | Data Communication, | |
29 | TODST-EMBD029 | Microwave sensor for non-invasive glucose measurements design and implementation of a novel linear | Wireless Sensor Systems | |
30 | TODST-EMBD030 | An Energy-Efficient Adaptive Sensing Framework for Gait Monitoring Using Smart Insole | Data Communication, | |
31 | TODST-EMBD031 | NFC For Pervasive Healthcare Monitoring | Embedded Systems | |
32 | TODST-EMBD032 | Design and Implementation of Heart Rate Measurement Device Using Wireless System | INFORMATICS, ELECTRONICS & VISION 2014 | |
33 | TODST-EMBD033 | Design and implementation of wearable RFID tag for real-time ubiquitous medical care | Data Communication, | |
34 | TODST-EMBD034 | BIO-monitoring System with Conductive Textile Electrodes Integrated into T-shirt | Data Communication, | |
35 | TODST-EMBD035 | Performance Analysis of Zigbee based Wireless Sensor Network for Remote Patient | Communication Systems and Network Technologies | |
36 | TODST-EMBD036 | Feasibility of a Photovoltaic–Thermoelectric Generator: Performance Analysis and Simulation Results | INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT | |
37 | TODST-EMBD037 | Wireless Power Systems for Mobile Devices Supporting Inductive and Resonant Operating Modes | MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, | |
38 | TODST-EMBD038 | MPPT Techniques for a Photovoltaic Pumping System | Data Communication, | |
39 | TODST-EMBD039 | Release and Storage of Mine Gas Monitoring Data Based on Sensor Web | Data Communication, | |
40 | TODST-EMBD040 | MEMS Multisensor Intelligent Damage Detection for Wind Turbines | Data Communication, | |
41 | TODST-EMBD041 | Implementation of MPPT Control Using Fuzzy Logic in Solar-Wind Hybrid Power System | Data Communication, | |
42 | TODST-EMBD042 | Home Energy Management system based on daily demand prediction and ZigBee network | Data Communication, | |
43 | TODST-EMBD043 | Run-Time Management for Multicore Embedded Systems With Energy Harvesting | VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION | |
44 | TODST-EMBD044 | WSN-Based Smart Sensors and Actuator for Power Management in Intelligent Buildings | MECHATRONICS | |
45 | TODST-EMBD045 | Energy-saving System for Classroom Based on Campus Card | Data Communication, | |
46 | TODST-EMBD046 | Architecture of Web Services Interface for A Home Energy Management System | Data Communication, | |
47 | TODST-EMBD047 | Experimental Study and Design of Smart Energy Meter for the Smart Grid | Data Communication, | |
48 | TODST-EMBD048 | A Video-Analysis-Based Railway–Road Safety System for Detecting Hazard Situations at Level Crossings | Intelligent transportation systems | |
49 | TODST-EMBD049 | License Plate Identification Using Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Transformed Feature Selection | Computing | |
50 | TODST-EMBD050 | A Genetic Algorithm-Based Moving Object Detection for Real-time Traffic Surveillance | SIGNAL PROCESSING | |
51 | TODST-EMBD051 | Learning to Detect Anomalies in Surveillance Video | SIGNAL PROCESSING | |
52 | TODST-EMBD052 | Spatio-Temporal Flame Modeling and Dynamic Texture Analysis for Automatic Video-Based Fire Detection | Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | |
53 | TODST-EMBD053 | Hand Segmentation and Fingertip Detection for Interfacing of Stereo Vision-based Smart Glasses | Data Communication, | |
54 | TODST-EMBD054 | Automatic Indian Currency Denomination Recognition System based on Artificial Neural Network | Signal Processing and Integrated Networks | |
55 | TODST-EMBD055 | A Visible Light Communication Link Protection Mechanism For Smart Factory | Advanced Information Networking and Applications | |
56 | TODST-EMBD056 | Networked Switching and Polymorphing Control of Electrical Loads with Web and Wireless Sensor Network | Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems | |
57 | TODST-EMBD057 | Automatic Detection and Notification of Potholes and Humps on Roads to Aid Drivers | Automatic Detection and Notification of Potholes and Humps | |
58 | TODST-EMBD058 | Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Transportation and Mobility Transformation for Smart Cities | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
59 | TODST-EMBD059 | Hierarchical and Networked Vehicle Surveillance in ITS: A Survey | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
60 | TODST-EMBD060 | A Cooperative Train Control Model for Energy Saving | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
61 | TODST-EMBD061 | Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive Transport Systems | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
62 | TODST-EMBD062 | Design of a Mobile Charging Service for Electric Vehicles in an Urban Environment | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
63 | TODST-EMBD063 | Road Edge Recognition Using the Stripe Hough Transform From Millimeter-Wave Radar Images | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
64 | TODST-EMBD064 | Nonparametric Technique Based High-Speed Road Surface Detection | intelligent transportation systems | |
65 | TODST-EMBD065 | A Train Localization Algorithm for Train Protection Systems of the Future | intelligent transportation systems | |
66 | TODST-EMBD066 | A Runtime Integrity Monitoring Framework for Real-Time Relative Positioning Systems Based on GPS and DSRC | intelligent transportation systems | |
67 | TODST-EMBD067 | A Practical Wireless Attack on the Connected Car and Security Protocol for In-Vehicle CAN | intelligent transportation systems | |
68 | TODST-EMBD068 | Performance Evaluation of GNSS for Train Localization | intelligent transportation systems, | |
69 | TODST-EMBD069 | The Application of ZigBee Technology to the Intelligent Bus Query System | Measuring Technology and Mechatronics | |
70 | TODST-EMBD070 | GSM Based Interactive Voice Response System for Wireless Load Control and Monitoring | Information & Computing Technology | |
71 | TODST-EMBD071 | RFID-based System for School Children Transportation Safety Enhancement | Data Communication, | |
72 | TODST-EMBD072 | ARM Based Remote Monitoring and Control System for Environmental Parameters in Greenhouse | Data Communication, | |
73 | TODST-EMBD073 | Design and Implementation of an SMS Based Home Security System | Data Communication, | |
74 | TODST-EMBD074 | Embedded Microcontroller using GPS as a Security Resource for Disabled People | Data Communication, | |
75 | TODST-EMBD075 | Raspberry PI-Based Global Industrial Process Monitoring Through Wireless Communication | Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems | |
76 | TODST-EMBD076 | An Internet of Things Approach for Motion Detection using Raspberry Pi | Intelligent Computing | |
77 | TODST-EMBD077 | Embedded Wireless Data Acquisition System for Unmanned Vehicle in Underwater Environment | Data Communication, | |
78 | TODST-EMBD078 | Adaptive Neural Network Control of Robot Based on a Unified Objective Bound | CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY | |
79 | TODST-EMBD079 | A Surveillance 3D Hand-Tracking-Based Tele- Operated UGV | Information and Communication Systems | |
80 | TODST-EMBD080 | Automatic Weed Detection System and Smart Herbicide Sprayer Robot for com fields | Robotics and Mechatronics | |
81 | TODST-EMBD081 | Designing an Autonomous Soil Monitoring Robot | Information Engineering Design Symposium | |
82 | TODST-EMBD082 | WiFi Based Communication and Localization of an Autonomous Mobile Robot for Refinery Inspection | Robotics and Automation | |
83 | TODST-EMBD083 | Design and development of smart sales robot for supermarket | Electronics and Data Communication, | |
84 | TODST-EMBD084 | Embedded systems and autonomous car | Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, | |
85 | TODST-EMBD085 | A Robotic Crack Inspection and Mapping System for Bridge Deck Maintenance | automation science and engineering | |
86 | TODST-EMBD086 | Integration of Low-Cost Supervisory Mobile Robots in Domestic Wireless Sensor Networks | Robotics and
Emerging Allied Technologies |
87 | TODST-EMBD087 | Path Following Using Dynamic Transverse Feedback Linearization for Car-Like Robots | ROBOTICS | |
88 | TODST-EMBD088 | Occlusion-Based Cooperative Transport with a Swarm of Miniature Mobile Robots | ROBOTICS | |
89 | TODST-EMBD089 | Optimization-Based Motion Planning in Joint Space for Walking Assistance With Wearable Robot | ROBOTICS, | |
90 | TODST-EMBD090 | Negative Information for Occlusion Reasoning in Dynamic Extended Multiobject Tracking | ROBOTICS, | |
91 | TODST-EMBD091 | Multirobot Control Using Time-Varying Density Functions | ROBOTICS, | |
92 | TODST-EMBD092 | Passivity and Stability of Human–Robot Interaction Control for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robots | ROBOTICS, | |
93 | TODST-EMBD093 | Unusual Event Detection in Low-Resolution Video for enhancing ATM security | Signal Processing and Integrated Networks | |
100 | TODST-EMBD0100 | Driver Gaze Tracking and Eyes Off the Road Detection System | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | |
95 | TODST-EMBD095 | Survey of Vehicle IoT Bluetooth Devices | Computing and Applications | |
100 | TODST-EMBD0100 | Travolution-An Embedded System in Passenger Car for Road Safety | Technologies for Sustainable Development | |
97 | TODST-EMBD097 | Design of Milk Analysis Embedded System for Dairy Farmers | Data Communication, | |
98 | TODST-EMBD098 | Release and Storage of Mine Gas Monitoring Data Based on Sensor Web | Data Communication, | |
99 | TODST-EMBD099 | Intelligent system for monitoring and controlling of the Grain condition based on ARM9 | Data Communication, | |
100 | TODST-EMBD0100 | Bus Detection System for Blind People using RFID | Data Communication, | |
101 | TODST-EMBD0101 | Wireless Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring in the Railway Industry: A Survey | Intelligent transportation systems | |
102 | TODST-EMBD0102 | Wearable Sensors for Human Activity
Monitoring: A Review |
Data Communication, | |
103 | TODST-EMBD0103 | Travolution-An Embedded System in Passenger Car for Road Safety | Technologies for Sustainable Development | |
104 | TODST-EMBD0104 | Design and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for Rose Greenhouses Monitoring | Automation, Robotics and Applications, | |
105 | TODST-EMBD0105 | Smart Home for Elderly Care, based on Wireless Sensor Network | Nascent Technologies | |
106 | TODST-EMBD0106 | Microcontroller managed module for automatic ventilation of vehicle interior | Data Communication, | |
107 | TODST-EMBD0107 | Application of Intelligent Sun Tracking System with Fuzzy Chip Controller | Computer, Consumer and Control | |
108 | TODST-EMBD0108 | System Engineering and Deployment of Envirobat | Data Communication, | |
109 | TODST-EMBD0109 | Wireless Sensor Network-based Air Quality Monitoring System | Computing networking and communication | |
110 | TODST-EMBD0110 | A Smart Sensor Network for Sea Water Quality Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
111 | TODST-EMBD0111 | An Approach of Reliable Data Transmission With Random Redundancy for Wireless Sensors in Structural Health Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
112 | TODST-EMBD0112 | Passive and semi-passive wireless temperature and humidity sensors based on EPC generation-2 UHF protocol | Data Communication, | |
113 | TODST-EMBD0113 | Electrical Impedance Tomography for Artificial Sensitive Robotic Skin: A Review | Data Communication, | |
114 | TODST-EMBD0114 | Smart lighting system ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 compatible | Data Communication, | |
115 | TODST-EMBD0115 | Wearable Sensors for Human Activity Monitoring: A Review | Data Communication, | |
116 | TODST-EMBD0116 | Recent Advances in Wearable Sensors for Health Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
117 | TODST-EMBD0117 | Design and Calibration of the Unilateral Sensitive Soil Moisture Sensor | Data Communication, | |
118 | TODST-EMBD0118 | A High-Reliability Wearable Device for Elderly Fall Detection | Data Communication, | |
119 | TODST-EMBD0119 | A Method for Uncertainty Assessment of Passive Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval by Using an Infrared Reference Light | Data Communication, | |
120 | TODST-EMBD0120 | An Algorithm for the Automatic Analysis of Signals from an Oyster Heart Rate Sensor | Data Communication, | |
121 | TODST-EMBD0121 | Blood Pulsation Measurement using Linearly Polarized Light | Data Communication, | |
122 | TODST-EMBD0122 | Wireless Biosensing Using Silver-Enhancement Based Self-assembled Antennas in Passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags | Data Communication, | |
123 | TODST-EMBD0123 | Compact personal distributed wearable exposimeter | Data Communication, | |
124 | TODST-EMBD0124 | Design and Experimental Validation of Novel Force Sensor | Data Communication, | |
125 | TODST-EMBD0125 | A Novel Calibration Model of Polarization Navigation Sensor | Data Communication, | |
126 | TODST-EMBD0126 | A low power temperature to frequency converter for the on-chip temperature measurement | Data Communication, | |
127 | TODST-EMBD0127 | PRT Embedded Microheaters for Optimum Temperature Distribution of Air-Suspended Structures for Gas Sensor Applications | Data Communication, | |
128 | TODST-EMBD0128 | Hybrid Blocking Algorithm for Identification of Overlapping Staying Tags Between Multiple Neighboring Readers in RFID Systems | Data Communication, | |
129 | TODST-EMBD0129 | Solar-Powered Wireless Temperature Sensor Based on UWB RFID with Self-Calibration | Data Communication, | |
130 | TODST-EMBD0130 | A Differential Self-Integration D-Dot Voltage Sensor and Experimental Research | Data Communication, | |
131 | TODST-EMBD0131 | Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging via Capacitive Power Transfer Through a Conformal Bumper | Data Communication, | |
132 | TODST-EMBD0132 | A Low-Power Wireless Sensor for Online Ambient Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
133 | TODST-EMBD0133 | A Smart Sensor Network for Sea Water Quality Monitoring | Data Communication, | |
134 | TODST-EMBD0134 | Design for visually impaired to work at Industry using RFID technology | Data Communication, | |
135 | TODST-EMBD0135 | A Low-Cost and Noninvasive System for the Measurement and Detection of Faulty Streetlights | Instrumentation and measurement | |
136 | TODST-EMBD0136 | A Zigbee-Based Animal Health Monitoring System | Instrumentation and measurement | |
137 | TODST-EMBD0137 | A Low-Cost M2M Architecture for
Intelligent Public Transit |
Pervasive Computing | |
138 | TODST-EMBD0138 | A Low-Cost M2M Architecture for Intelligent Public Transit | Pervasive Computing | |
139 | TODST-EMBD0139 | Water Management system using Dynamic IP-based Embedded Webserver in Real Time | Nascent Technologies | |
140 | TODST-EMBD0140 | RFID-based System for School Children Transportation Safety Enhancement | Instrumentation and measurement | |
141 | TODSTEMBD0141 | ZigBee(2.4G) Wireless Sensor Network Application on Indoor Intrusion Detection | Consumer Electronics | |
142 | TODST-EMBD0142 | A GSM, WSN and Embedded Web Server Architecture for the Internet Based Kitchen Monitoring System | Power and Computing Technologies | |
143 | TODST-EMBD0143 | Vehicle to Vehicle Safety Device – An Ease for Safe Driving | Data Communication, | |
144 | TODST-EMBD0144 | Real Time AMR & Control of Household Energy Meter with Zigbee communication | Computing Communication Control and Automation | |
145 | TODST-EMBD0145 | Design and Implementation of Water Environment Monitoring System using GSM Technology | Technologies for Sustainable Development | |
146 | TODST-EMBD0146 | The Application of ZigBee Technology to the Intelligent Bus Query System | Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation | |
147 | TODST-EMBD0147 | ZigBee Wireless Communication for Monitoring Renewable Street Light System | Data Communication, | |
148 | TODST-EMBD0148 | WSN Based Utility System for Effective Monitoring and Control of Household Power Consumption | Data Communication, | |
149 | TODST-EMBD0149 | WSN-Based Smart Sensors and Actuator for Power Management in Intelligent Buildings | MECHATRONICS | |
150 | TODST-EMBD0150 | Survey of RFID Applications in Railway Industry | Data Communication, | |
151 | TODST-EMBD0151 | Smart Entrance Guard Control Based on RFID card and ZigBee Authorization | Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation | |
152 | TODST-EMBD0152 | Automated Control System for Emission Level & Rash Driving Detection in Vehicles | Data Communication, | |
153 | TODST-EMBD0153 | Black Box: An Emergency Rescue Dispatch System for Road Vehicles for Instant Notification of Road Accidents and Post Crash Analysis | Informatics, electronics | |
154 | TODST-EMBD0154 | Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module | Instrumentation and measurement | |
155 | TODST-EMBD0155 | Real-time Monitoring and Control System for Green House Based On 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network | Communication Systems and Network Technologies | |
156 | TODST-EMBD0156 | Sensor Fusion-Based Vacant Parking Slot Detection and Tracking | INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, | |
157 | TODST-EMBD0157 | A Low-Cost Sensor Network for Real-Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection in Drinking Water Distribution Systems | Data Communication, | |
158 | TODST-EMBD0158 | Low-Cost Internet Based Wireless Sensor Network for Air Pollution Monitoring using Zigbee Module | Data Communication, | |
159 | TODST-EMBD0159 | Environment monitoring and device control using ARM based Embedded Controlled Sensor Network | Data Communication, |
