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Core vlsi BE

Branch: VLSI









DST TO C 01 Approximate Quaternary Addition with the Fast Carry Chains of FPGAs CORE VLSI
DST TO C 02 A Low-Power Configurable Adder for Approximate Applications CORE VLSI
DST TO C 03 A Low-Power High-Speed Accuracy-Controllable Approximate Multiplier Design CORE VLSI
DST TO C 04 A Low-Power Yet High-Speed Configurable Adder for Approximate Computing CORE VLSI
DST TO C 05 A Simple Yet Efficient Accuracy- Configurable Adder Design CORE VLSI
DST TO C 06 Adaptive Approximation in Arithmetic Circuits: A Low-Power Unsigned Divider Design CORE VLSI
DST TO C 07 Approximate Hybrid High Radix Encoding for Energy-Efficient Inexact Multipliers CORE VLSI
DST TO C 08 A Cost-Effective Self-Healing Approach for Reliable Hardware Systems CORE VLSI
DST TO C 09 Approximate Sum-of-Products Designs Based on Distributed Arithmetic CORE VLSI
DST TO C 010 Design and Evaluation of Approximate Logarithmic Multipliers for Low Power Error-Tolerant Applications CORE VLSI
DST TO C 011 Design, Evaluation and Application of Approximate High-Radix Dividers CORE VLSI
DST TO C 012 Efficient Fixed/Floating-Point Merged Mixed-Precision Multiply-Accumulate Unit for Deep Learning Processors CORE VLSI
DST TO C 013 Enhancing Fundamental Energy Limits of Field-Coupled Nano computing Circuits CORE VLSI
DST TO C 014 Exploration of Approximate Multipliers Design Space using Carry Propagation Free Compressors CORE VLSI
DST TO C 015 Inexact Arithmetic Circuits for Energy Efficient IOT Sensors Data Processing CORE VLSI
DST TO C 016 Low-Power Addition With Borrow-Save Adders Under Threshold Voltage Variability CORE VLSI
DST TO C 017 Novel High speed Vedic Multiplier proposal incorporating Adder based on Quaternary Signed Digit number system CORE VLSI
DST TO C 018 On the Difficulty of Inserting Trojans in Reversible Computing Architectures CORE VLSI
DST TO C 019 Optimizing Power-Accuracy trade-off in Approximate Adders CORE VLSI
DST TO C 020 Power Efficient Approximate Booth Multiplier CORE VLSI
DST TO C 021 Reducing the Hardware Complexity of a Parallel Prefix Adder CORE VLSI
DST TO C 022 Systematic Design of an Approximate Adder: The Optimized Lower Part Constant-OR Adder CORE VLSI
DST TO C 023 Towards Efficient Modular Adders based on Reversible Circuits CORE VLSI
DST TO C 024 A 32-bit 4×4 Bit-Slice RSFQ Matrix Multiplier CORE VLSI
DST TO C 025 Research and implementation of hardware algorithms for multiplying binary numbers CORE VLSI
DST TO C 026 Efficient Design for Fixed-Width Adder-Tree CORE VLSI
DST TO C 027 Architecture Generator for Type-3 Unum Posit Adder/Sub tractor CORE VLSI
DST TO C 01 Improving Error Correction Codes for Multiple-Cell Upsets in Space Applications COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 02 A Single and Adjacent Error Correction Code for fast Decoding of Critical Bits COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 03 Efficient Implementations of 4-Bit Burst Error Correction for Memories COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 04 Extending 3-bit Burst Error-Correction Codes With Quadruple Adjacent Error Correction COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 05 Double Error Cellular Automata-Based Error Correction with Skip-mode Compact Syndrome Coding for Resilient PUF Design COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 06 A Double Error Correction Code for 32-bit Data Words with Efficient Decoding COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 07 Basic-Set Trellis Min–Max Decoder Architecture for Non binary LDPC Codes With High-Order Galois Fields COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 08 An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Convolution Based DWT Using MAC COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 09 Low-Power Noise-Immune Nano scale Circuit Design Using Coding-Based Partial MRF Method COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 010 Reconfigurable Decoder for LDPC and Polar Codes COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 011 Efficient Protection of the Register File in Soft-processors Implemented on Xilinx FPGAs COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 012 Design and simulation of CRC encoder and decoder using VHDL COMMUNICATION
DST TO C 01 An Efficient FPGA Implementation of HEVC Intra Prediction DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING
DST TO C 02 An Area Efficient 1024-Point Low Power Radix-22 FFT Processor With Feed-Forward Multiple Delay Commutators DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING
DST TO C 03 Low Power Area-Efficient DCT Implementation Based on Markov Random Field-Stochastic Logic DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING


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