Synopsis List 2018-19
DST 01 | A mobile mapping data warehouse for emerging mobile vision services | |
DST 02 | Android Based Smart Home Using Bluetooth | |
DST 03 | Development Of Blind Assistive Device in Shopping Malls | |
DST 04 | E Circular For Students Through Bluetooth | |
DST 05 | Environment monitoring and device control using ARM based Embedded Controlled Sensor Network | |
DST 06 | Implementation Of Smart Restaurant With E | |
DST 07 | Model And Implementation of Robotic Arm Using Android | |
DST 08 | Multi-hop WBAN Construction for Healthcare Systems Using Android | |
DST 09 | Smart Configuration Of Smart Environments | |
DST 010 | Timer-based Bloom Filter Aggregation for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Distributed Mobility Management |
DST 01 | A Learning Approach for Low | |
DST 02 | Asynchronous Device Detection for Cognitive Device | |
DST 03 | Computation Offloading and Activation of Mobile Edge Computing Servers | |
DST 04 | Covert Communication Achieved by A Greedy Relay in Wireless Networks | |
DST 05 | Distance | |
DST 06 | Fuzzy Logic-based Routing Algorithm for Lifetime Enhancement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks | |
DST 07 | Modularity | |
DST 08 | Optimizing Performance of Co | |
DST 09 | Spatio-Temporal Wireless Traffic Prediction with Recurrent Neural Network | |
DST 010 | Toward Optimal Power Control and Transfer for Energy Harvesting Amplify |
DST 01 | A Secure Intrusion detection system against DDOS attack in Wireless Mobile Ad | |
DST 02 | A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big Sensor Data on Cloud | |
DST 03 | Automating Online ICM Scheduling | |
DST 04 | Backward Path Growth for Efficient Mobile Sequential Recommendation | |
DST 05 | Book Store Management System | |
DST 06 | Course Assessment outcome Managing system | |
DST 07 | Development of a Web based Online Examination System | |
DST 08 | E-Correction & Recovery the Government Credential | |
DST 09 | Encryption for Implantable Medical Devices Using Modified One | |
DST 010 | Examination Result Analysis System |
DST 01 | A Wireless IoT System Towards Gait Detection In Stroke Patients | |
DST 02 | An IoT Based Remote HRV Monitoring System For Hypertensive Patients | |
DST 03 | Embedded Control System For Smart Walking Assistance Device | |
DST 04 | Intelligent Pillbox | |
DST 05 | IoT Based Smart Home Appliances By Using Cloud Intelligent Tetris Switch | |
DST 06 | Micro Service Based IoT For Smart Buildings | |
DST 07 | Monitoring Physiological Variables Of Mining Workers At High Altitude | |
DST 08 | Reconfigurable Smart Water Quality Monitoring System In IoT Environment | |
DST 09 | Smart Crossing System Using IoT | |
DST 010 | Vehicle Seat Vacancy Identification Using Image Processing Technique |
DST 01 | A Secure and Dynamic Multi | |
DST 02 | A Stable | |
DST 03 | A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big Sensor Data on Cloud | |
DST 04 | Active Trust | |
DST 05 | CloudArmor | |
DST 06 | Fair Routing for Overlapped Cooperative Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks | |
DST 07 | On Traffic-Aware Partition and Aggregation in MapReduce for Big Data Applications | |
DST 08 | Operational-Log Analysis for Big Data Systems | |
DST 09 | Structured Learning from Heterogeneous Behavior for Social Identity Linkage | |
DST 010 | Two-Factor Data Security Protection Mechanism for Cloud Storage System |
DST 01 | A game | |
DST 02 | A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | |
DST 03 | D2D | |
DST 04 | Energy | |
DST 05 | Resisting Black hole Attacks on MANETs | |
DST 06 | Top | |
DST 07 | Trusted Secure Adhoc On |
DST 01 | A Gabor Feature | |
DST 02 | A Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function | |
DST 03 | Blurriness-guided Unsharp Masking | |
DST 04 | Convolutional Regression for Visual Tracking | |
DST 05 | Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation | |
DST 06 | Explicit Ringing Removal in Image Deblurring | |
DST 07 | Full Scale Regression | |
DST 08 | Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double | |
DST 09 | Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior | |
DST 010 | Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super |
DST 01 | A review of structural | |
DST 02 | Comparative evaluation of parametric design systems for teaching design computation | |
DST 03 | Cost efficiency analyses of steel frameworks for economical design of multi | |
DST 04 | Effect of wind load on tall buildings in different terrain category | |
DST 05 | Effects of access | |
DST 06 | Estimating the peak structural response of high | |
DST 07 | Multivariate Poisson lognormal modeling of crashes by type and severity on rural two lane highways | |
DST 08 | Predicting residential burglaries based on building elements and offender behavior | |
DST 09 | Sewer | |
DST 010 | Urban modifiers of seismic vulnerability aimed at Urban Zoning Regulations |
DST 01 | A Distributed Monitoring Strategy for Detecting Version Number Attacks in RPL | |
DST 02 | Analyzing and Detecting Money | |
DST 03 | Cost Efficient Design of Fault Tolerant Geo | |
DST 04 | Data | |
DST 05 | Energy Efficient Link | |
DST 06 | Improved EAACK | |
DST 07 | Joint Routing and Energy Management in Under Water Acoustic Sensor Networks | |
DST 08 | Network Capability in Localizing Node Failures via End | |
DST 09 | Traffic Decorrelation Techniques for Countering a Global Eavesdropper in WSNs | |
DST 010 | When to Make a Topic Popular Again |
DST 01 | A Convex Approach to Near | |
DST 02 | A Cooperative SWIPT Scheme for Wirelessly Powered Sensor Networks | |
DST 03 | A Hybrid Energy Sharing Framework for Green Cellular Networks | |
DST 04 | A New Degree of Freedom For Energy Efficiency of Digital Communication Systems | |
DST 05 | Adaptive Filtering Based on Time | |
DST 06 | Adaptive Time | |
DST 07 | Adaptive Transmission Protocols for Fountain | |
DST 08 | Adaptive Weighted Sensing With Simultaneous Transmission for Dynamic Primary User Traffic | |
DST 09 | Analog Transmission of Correlated Sources Over Fading SIMO Multiple Access Channels | |
DST 010 | Analysis of D2D Underlaid Cellular Networks SIR Meta Distribution and Mean Local Delay |
DST 01 | A New Query Recommendation Method Supporting Exploratory Search Based on Search Goal Shift Graphs | |
DST 02 | A Survey of Location Prediction on Twitter | |
DST 03 | Characterizing and Countering Communal Micro-blogs During Disaster Events | |
DST 04 | Correlated Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Implicit Feedback | |
DST 05 | Hashtagger | |
DST 06 | Optimizing Quality for Probabilistic Skyline Computation and Probabilistic Similarity Search | |
DST 07 | Serendipitous Recommendation in E | |
DST 08 | Top-k Durable Graph Pattern Queries on Temporal Graphs | |
DST 09 | Topology-driven Diversity for Targeted Influence Maximization with Application to User Engagement in Social Networks | |
DST 010 | Webpage Depth View ability Prediction using Deep Sequential Neural Networks |
DST 01 | Spoken Content Retrieval | |
DST 02 | Audio Watermarking Based on Fibonacci Numbers | |
DST 03 | Combining Spectral and Temporal Representations for Multipitch Estimation of Polyphonic Music | |
DST 04 | Data Augmentation for Deep Neural Network Acoustic Modeling | |
DST 05 | Hierarchical Pitman | |
DST 06 | High | |
DST 07 | Joint Detection and Estimation of Speech Spectral Amplitude Using Noncontinuous Gain Functions | |
DST 08 | Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation using Voltage and Current Feedback | |
DST 09 | Perceptual Reproduction of Spatial Sound Using Loudspeaker | |
DST 010 | Primary |
DST 01 | A Collaborative Key Management Protocol in Cipher text Policy Attribute | |
DST 02 | An Economical and SLO-Guaranteed Cloud Storage Service across Multiple Cloud Service Providers | |
DST 03 | Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud | |
DST 04 | Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Energy Efficient Cloud Radio Access Networks | |
DST 05 | Efficient Public Verification of Data Integrity for Cloud Storage Systems from Indistinguishability Obfuscation | |
DST 06 | Minimum-Cost Cloud Storage Service Across Multiple Cloud Providers | |
DST 07 | On The Security Of A Variant Of Elgamal Encryption Scheme | |
DST 08 | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data | |
DST 09 | Securing Cloud Data under Key Exposure | |
DST 010 | Virtual Machine Migration Planning in Software |
DST 01 | A Gabor Feature-based Quality Assessment Model for the Screen Content Images | |
DST 02 | A Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function | |
DST 03 | Blurriness-guided Unsharp Masking | |
DST 04 | Convolutional Regression for Visual Tracking | |
DST 05 | Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation | |
DST 06 | Explicit Ringing Removal in Image Deblurring | |
DST 07 | Full Scale Regression-based Injection Coefficients for Panchromatic Sharpening | |
DST 08 | Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double | |
DST 09 | Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior | |
DST 010 | Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super |
DST 01 | A Multiagent | |
DST 02 | A Particle Filter For Dynamic State Estimation In Multi | |
DST 03 | Bio | |
DST 04 | Cost Aware Service Placement And Load Dispatching In Mobile Cloud Systems | |
DST 05 | Ego Slider | |
DST 06 | Modeling And Verification Of Online Shopping Business Processes By Considering Malicious Behavior Patterns | |
DST 07 | Pde Based Algorithms For Smooth Watersheds | |
DST 08 | Pervasive Computing Moves In | |
DST 09 | The Love of a Good Challenge | |
DST 010 | Visually Exploring Transportation Schedules |
DST 01 | CFD Analysis Of A Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger | |
DST 02 | Design And Analysis Of A Drum Brake | |
DST 03 | Design And Analysis Of A Gas Turbine Rotar Blade | |
DST 04 | Design And Analysis Of A Marine Propeller | |
DST 05 | Design And Weight Optimization Of A Oil Pan | |
DST 06 | Modal analysis of car chassis using ansys | |
DST 07 | Modeling And Analysis Of A Differential Gear Mechanism | |
DST 08 | Product Development By Reverse Engineering By Using Rpdt | |
DST 09 | Structural analysis of a flat bed trailer | |
DST 010 | Thermal Analysis Of A In Line IC Engine |
DST 01 | A Distributed Truthful Auction Mechanism for Task Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing | |
DST 02 | Cooperative Hierarchical Caching and Request Scheduling in a Cloud Radio Access Network | |
DST 03 | Energy and Memory Efficient Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
DST 04 | Fair Resource Allocation for System Throughput Maximization in Mobile Edge Computing | |
DST 05 | Providing Privacy | |
DST 06 | Providing Task Allocation and Secure Deduplication for Mobile Crowdsensing via Fog Computing | |
DST 07 | Quantifying Interdependent Privacy Risks with Location Data | |
DST 08 | Reward or Penalty | |
DST 09 | SUPERMAN Security Using Pre |
DST 01 | A Dual Inverter for an Open End Winding induction Motor Drive without an Isolation Transformer | |
DST 02 | A Fully Integrated Three | |
DST 03 | An Energy Stored Quasi | |
DST 04 | An Observer | |
DST 05 | Carrier | |
DST 06 | Control and Experiment of an H | |
DST 07 | Current Control of Grid Converters Connected with Series AC Capacitor | |
DST 08 | Design and Simulation of Five | |
DST 09 | Digital Notch Filter based Active Damping for LCL Filters |
DST 01 | An Adaptive Fixed | |
DST 02 | Generalized Correntropy for Robust Adaptive Filtering | |
DST 03 | Japanese Janken Recognition by Support Vector Machine Based on Electromyogram | |
DST 04 | New Sparse | |
DST 05 | Online Censoring for Large | |
DST 06 | Robust Convex Approximation Methods for TDOA | |
DST 07 | Semi definite Programming for Computable Performance Bounds on Block | |
DST 08 | Sub Graph | |
DST 09 | Super Nested Array1 | |
DST 010 | Super Nested Arrays |
DST 01 | A Double Error Correction Code for 32 | |
DST 02 | A Low | |
DST 03 | A Simple Yet Efficient Accuracy | |
DST 04 | Approximate Quaternary Addition with the Fast Carry Chains of FPGAs | |
DST 05 | Design and Evaluation of Approximate Logarithmic Multipliers for Low Power Error | |
DST 06 | High Performance VLSI Architecture for Transpose Form FIR Filter using Integrated Module | |
DST 07 | High Speed Power Efficient Carry Select Adder Design | |
DST 08 | Improving Error Correction Codes for Multiple | |
DST 09 | Optimizing Power | |
DST 010 | Unbiased Rounding for HUB Floating |
DST 01 | A Direct Voltage Unbalance Compensation Strategy For Islanded Microgrids | |
DST 02 | A Single Sensor based MPPT Controller for Wind | |
DST 03 | Closed | |
DST 04 | Contribution of VSC | |
DST 05 | Control of Brushless Doubly | |
DST 06 | Control of PMSG | |
DST 07 | Decentralized Control of a Nine | |
DST 08 | Disturbance Rejection Strategies for AC | |
DST 09 | Model Based Predictive Control strategies for Wind Turbine System Based on PMSG | |
DST 01 | A Pre | |
DST 02 | Attribute | |
DST 03 | Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing | |
DST 04 | Efficient Processing of Skyline Queries Using MapReduce | |
DST 05 | Hierarchy | |
DST 06 | Privacy | |
DST 07 | Secure Authentication in Cloud Big Data with Hierarchical Attribute Authorization Structure | |
DST 08 | Secure k | |
DST 09 | Survey on Improving Data Utility in Differentially Private Sequential Data Publishing | |
DST 010 | Visual Analysis of Multiple Route Choices based on General GPS Trajectories |
