Power Electronics
Branch: Electrical Communication
Topic: Power Electronics
S.No. | Project code | Project theme | Technology | Download |
1 | TODST-PC01 | A Dual Inverter for an Open End Winding induction Motor Drive without an Isolation Transformer | Power Electronics | |
2 | TODST-PC02 | A Fully Integrated Three-Level Isolated Single-Stage PFC Converter | Power Electronics | |
3 | TODST-PC03 | An Energy Stored Quasi-Z Source Cascade Multilevel Inverter Based Photovoltaic Power Generation System | Power Electronics | |
4 | TODST-PC04 | An Observer-Based Optimal Voltage Control Scheme for Three-Phase UPS Systems | Power Electronics | |
5 | TODST-PC05 | Carrier-Based Pulse Width Modulation for Symmetrical Six-Phase Drives | Power Electronics | |
6 | TODST-PC06 | Control and Experiment of an H-Bridge Based Three-Phase Three-Stage Modular Power Electronic Transformer | Power Electronics | |
7 | TODST-PC07 | Current Control of Grid Converters Connected with Series AC Capacitor | Power Electronics | |
8 | TODST-PC08 | DC-Link Voltage Control Strategy for Three-Phase Back-to-Back Active Power Conditioners | Power Electronics | |
9 | TODST-PC09 | Design and Simulation of Five-level Inverter Based DSTATCOM Using Fuzzy Logic | Power Electronics | |
10 | TODST-PC10 | Design of a Generalized Control Algorithm for Parallel Inverters for Smooth Microgrid Transition Operation | Power Electronics | |
11 | TODST-PC11 | Digital Notch Filter based Active Damping for LCL Filters | Power Electronics | |
12 | TODST-PC12 | Direct Power Control Based on Natural Switching Surface for Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers | Power Electronics | |
13 | TODST-PC13 | Disturbance Rejection Strategies for AC/DC Microgrids | Power converters | |
14 | TODST-PC14 | Enhanced Pulse-Density-Modulated Power Control for High Frequency Induction Heating Inverters | Power converters | |
15 | TODST-PC15 | Full-bridge Reactive Power Compensator with Minimized Equipped Capacitor and its Application to Static Var Compensator | Power converters | |
16 | TODST-PC16 | High-Performance Control of Paralleled Three-Phase Inverters for Residential Microgrid Architectures Based on Online Uninterruptable Power Systems | Power converters | |
17 | TODST-PC17 | Implement Optimal Vector Control for LCL-Filter-Based Grid-Connected Converters by Using Recurrent Neural Networks | Power converters | |
18 | TODST-PC18 | Implementation of Hybrid Filter for 12-Pulse Thyristor Rectifier Supplying High-Current Variable-Voltage DC Load | Power converters | |
19 | TODST-PC19 | Negative Sequence Current Optimizing Control based on Railway Static Power Conditioner in V/v Traction Power Supply System | Power converters | |
20 | TODST-PC20 | PLL-less Robust Active and Reactive Power Controller for Single Phase Grid-Connected Inverter with LCL Filter | Power converters | |
21 | TODST-PC21 | Research on Uninterrupted Power Supply Technology for Auxiliary Winding of Electric Locomotive when Passing Neutral Section | Power converters | |
22 | TODST-PC22 | Resonant harmonic elimination pulse width modulation-based high-frequency resonance suppression of high-speed railways | Power converters | |
23 | TODST-PC23 | Simplified Model and Control Strategy of Three-Phase PWM Current Source Rectifiers for DC Voltage Power Supply Applications | Power converters | |
24 | TODST-PC24 | Simplified PWM with Switching Constraint Method to Prevent Circulating Currents for Paralleled Bidirectional AC/DC Converters in Grid-Tied System Using Graphic Analysis | Power converters | |
25 | TODST-PC25 | Single Stage Fuel Cell to Grid Interface with Multilevel Current Source Inverters | Power converters | |
26 | TODST-PC26 | Space Vector Modulation for Single-Phase Transformer less Three-Leg Unified Power Quality Conditioner | Power converters | |
27 | TODST-PC27 | Startup Schemes for Modular Multilevel Converter Under Different Load Conditions | Power converters | |
28 | TODST-PC28 | Three-phase Inverter Synchronization Control Utilizing Internal Model Principle | Power converters | |
29 | TODST-PC29 | Two-stage Matrix Converter based on Third-harmonic Injection Technique | Power converters | |
30 | TODST-PC30 | Z-source online UPS | Power converters |