S.no. | Project code | Project theme | Technology | Download |
1 | ICDST-NS01 | Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Clustering by Preventing Residual Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks | Mobile Computing | |
2 | ICDST-NS02 | A Distributed Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
3 | ICDST-NS03 | A Distributed Three-Hop Routing Protocol to Increase the Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
4 | ICDST-NS04 | A Historical-Beacon-Aided Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks | Mobile Computing | |
5 | ICDST-NS05 | A Taxonomy for Denial-of-Service Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks | Mobile Computing | |
6 | ICDST-NS06 | A Taxonomy for Denial-of-Service Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks | Mobile Computing | |
7 | ICDST-NS07 | CoCoWa: A Collaborative Contact-Based Watchdog for Detecting Selfish Nodes | Mobile Computing | |
8 | ICDST-NS08 | Cognitive Radio-Aware Transport Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
9 | ICDST-NS09 | Cooperative Load Balancing and Dynamic Channel Allocation for Cluster-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
10 | ICDST-NS10 | Cost-Effective Resource Allocation of Overlay Routing Relay Nodes | Mobile Computing | |
11 | ICDST-NS11 | Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach | Mobile Computing | |
12 | ICDST-NS12 | Delay Analysis of Multichannel Opportunistic Spectrum Access MAC protocol | Mobile Computing | |
13 | ICDST-NS13 | Device-to-device communications for enhancing quality of experience in software defined multi-tier LTE-A networks | Mobile Computing | |
14 | ICDST-NS14 | Efficient Interlayer Network Codes for Fair Layered Multicast Streaming | Mobile Computing | |
15 | ICDST-NS015 | Enhanced ANTSEC Framework with Cluster based Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
16 | ICDST-NS16 | Enhanced Distance and Location Estimation for Broadband Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
17 | ICDST-NS17 | Improving the Network Lifetime of MANETs through cooperative MAC Protocol Design | Mobile Computing | |
18 | ICDST-NS18 | Joint Spectral Efficiency and Power Allocation Optimization in IEEE 802.16m | Mobile Computing | |
19 | ICDST-NS19 | Joint Spectral Efficiency and Power Allocation Optimization in IEEE 802.16m | Mobile Computing | |
20 | ICDST-NS20 | Low-Overhead Control Channels in Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
21 | ICDST-NS21 | Minimum Energy Routing and Jamming to Thwart Wireless Network Eavesdroppers | Mobile Computing | |
22 | ICDST-NS22 | Monitoring the Impact of P2P Users on a Broadband Operator’s Network over Time | Mobile Computing | |
23 | ICDST-NS23 | Receiver-Based Channel Allocation in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks | Mobile Computing | |
24 | ICDST-NS24 | Revocable and Scalable Certificateless Remote Authentication Protocol With Anonymity for Wireless Body Area Networks | Mobile Computing | |
25 | ICDST-NS25 | Robust Estimators for Variance-Based Device-Free Localization and Tracking | Mobile Computing | |
26 | ICDST-NS26 | Secrecy Capacity Optimization via Cooperative Relaying and Jamming for WANETs | Mobile Computing | |
27 | ICDST-NS27 | Secure data Aggregation technique for WSN in the presence of collusion attack | Mobile Computing | |
28 | ICDST-NS28 | Securing cognitive radio networks against primary user emulation attacks | Mobile Computing | |
29 | ICDST-NS29 | Service Class Resource Management for Green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Networks (WOBAN) | Mobile Computing | |
30 | ICDST-NS30 | SIR: a secure and intelligent routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc network | Mobile Computing | |
31 | ICDST-NS31 | SOLOR: Self-Optimizing WLANs With Legacy-Compatible Opportunistic Relays | Mobile Computing | |
32 | ICDST-NS32 | Thwarting Intelligent Malicious Behaviors in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing | Mobile Computing | |
33 | ICDST-NS33 | User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services | Mobile Computing | |
34 | ICDST-NS34 | A Traffic Adaptive Multi-channel MAC Protocol with Dynamic Slot Allocation for WSNs | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
35 | ICDST-NS35 | Cooperative Energy-Efficient Management of Federated WiFi Networks | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
36 | ICDST-NS36 | Detecting and Localizing Wireless Spoofing Attacks | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
37 | ICDST-NS37 | Detecting Colluding Blackhole and Greyhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
38 | ICDST-NS38 | Detecting Node Failures in Mobile Wireless Networks: A Probabilistic Approach | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
39 | ICDST-NS39 | LEISURE: Load-Balanced Network-Wide Traffic Measurement and Monitor Placement | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
40 | ICDST-NS40 | Secure and Reliable Routing Protocols for heterogeneous multi hop wireless networks | Mobile Computing | |
41 | ICDST-NS41 | Reducing Interferences in VANETs | Mobile Computing | |
42 | ICDST-NS42 | Energy-efficient cluster-head rotation in beacon-Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 Networks | Mobile Computing | |
43 | ICDST-NS43 | Impact of Location Popularity on Throughput and Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
44 | ICDST-NS44 | D2D: Delay-Aware Distributed Dynamic Adaptation of Contention Window in Wireless Networks dow in Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
45 | ICDST-NS45 | Privacy-Preserving and Truthful Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
46 | ICDST-NS46 | A Novel Congestion Avoidance Technique for Simultaneous Real-Time Medical Data Transmission | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
47 | ICDST-NS47 | A P2P-Based Market-Guided Distributed Routing Mechanism for High-Throughput Hybrid Wireless Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
48 | ICDST-NS48 | A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing | |
49 | ICDST-NS49 | A Secure Data Aggregation Scheme Based on Appropriate Cryptographic Primitives in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
50 | ICDST-NS50 | A Virtual Coordinate-Based Bypassing Void Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
51 | ICDST-NS51 | AASR: Authenticated Anonymous Secure Routing for MANETs in Adversarial Environments | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
52 | ICDST-NS52 | Algorithms for Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) in LTE HetNets | Networking | |
53 | ICDST-NS53 | An Attack-Resistant Trust Model based on Multidimensional trust Metrics in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network | Mobile Computing | |
54 | ICDST-NS54 | An Efficient Distributed Trust Model for Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
55 | ICDST-NS55 | An Energy-Efficient Mobile-Sink Path Selection Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
56 | ICDST-NS56 | An Energy-efficient Reliable Data Transmission Scheme for Complex Environmental Monitoring in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
57 | ICDST-NS57 | An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in WiMAX Mesh Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
58 | ICDST-NS58 | An Overview and Assessment of Wireless Technologies and Co-existence of ZigBee, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Devices | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
59 | ICDST-NS59 | Anomaly detection using forecasting methods ARIMA and HWDS | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
60 | ICDST-NS60 | Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks | Networking | |
61 | ICDST-NS61 | By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
62 | ICDST-NS62 | Cognitive Self-Scheduled Mechanism for Access Control in Noisy Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
63 | ICDST-NS63 | Congestion Control, Routing, and Scheduling in Wireless Networks With Interference Cancelation Capabilities | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
64 | ICDST-NS64 | Coordinated and Adaptive Information Collecting in Target Tracking Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
65 | ICDST-NS65 | Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot Scheduling | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
66 | ICDST-NS66 | Decentralized robust spectrum allocation for cognitive radio wireless mesh networks | Networking | |
67 | ICDST-NS67 | Detection and prevention of wormhole attack in manet | Mobile Computing | |
68 | ICDST-NS68 | Discovering Mobile Applications in Cellular Device-to-Device Communications: Hash Function and Bloom Filter-Based Approach | Mobile Computing | |
69 | ICDST-NS69 | Distributed Progressive Algorithm for Maximizing Lifetime Vector in Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
70 | ICDST-NS70 | EDAL:AnEnergy-Efficient,Delay-Aware, and Lifetime-Balancing Data Collection Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks | Networking | |
71 | ICDST-NS71 | Effective Key Management in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Network | |
72 | ICDST-NS72 | Efficient and Scalable Public Key Infrastructure for Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Network | |
73 | ICDST-NS73 | Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Prolonging the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network With Isolated Nodes | Wireless Sensor Network | |
74 | ICDST-NS74 | FluidNet: A Flexible Cloud-based Radio Access Network for Small Cells | Networking | |
75 | ICDST-NS75 | Fuzzy based Load and Energy Aware Multipath Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
76 | ICDST-NS76 | Geographic and Opportunistic Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
77 | ICDST-NS77 | Group Key Management Technique based on Logic- Key Tree in the Field of Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
78 | ICDST-NS78 | HydroCast: Pressure Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks | Networking | |
79 | ICDST-NS79 | Increasing User Perceived Quality by Selective Load Balancing of Video Traffic in Wireless Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
80 | ICDST-NS80 | Integrated Energy and Spectrum Harvesting for 5G Wireless Communications | Networking | |
81 | ICDST-NS81 | Interference-Based Topology Control Algorithm for Delay-Constrained Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Mobile Computing | |
82 | ICDST-NS82 | JellyFish attack: Analysis, detection and countermeasure in TCP-based MANET | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
83 | ICDST-NS83 | Low-Rate DoS Attacks Detection Based on Network Multifractal | Dependable and Secure Computing, | |
84 | ICDST-NS84 | Maximizing Network Topology Lifetime Using Mobile Node Rotation | Networking | |
85 | ICDST-NS85 | Mobile Data Gathering with Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor | Mobile Computing | |
86 | ICDST-NS86 | Mobile-Projected Trajectory Algorithm With Velocity-Change Detection for Predicting Residual Link Lifetime in MANET | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
87 | ICDST-NS87 | Model and Protocol for Energy Efficient Routing over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
88 | ICDST-NS88 | Neighbor Table Based Shortcut Tree Routing in ZigBee Wireless Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
89 | ICDST-NS89 | Neuro Fuzzy Systems: State-of-the-art Modeling Techniques | Mobile Computing | |
90 | ICDST-NS90 | On-Demand Discovery of Software Service Dependencies in MANETs | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
91 | ICDST-NS91 | Optimal and Maximized Configurable Power Saving Protocols for Corona-Based Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
92 | ICDST-NS92 | Optimal and Maximized Configurable Power Saving Protocols for Corona-Based Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
93 | ICDST-NS93 | Performance analysis of AODV, DSR and ZRP routing protocols in MANET using directional antenna | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
94 | ICDST-NS94 | Predictive Data Delivery to Mobile Users through Mobility Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
95 | ICDST-NS95 | Privacy Protection for Wireless Medical Sensor Data | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
96 | ICDST-NS96 | PSR: A Lightweight Proactive Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
97 | ICDST-NS97 | Secure and Distributed Data Discovery and Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
98 | ICDST-NS98 | Security Enhancements for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks With Trust Management Using Uncertain Reasoning | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
99 | ICDST-NS99 | Sleep Scheduling for Critical Event Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
100 | ICDST-NS100 | Supervisory Host Model: A New Paradigm to Enhance the Security and Power Management for Mobile Grid Environment | Wireless Sensor Networks, |
