Image Processing
DST TO C 01 | A Gabor Feature-based Quality Assessment Model for the Screen Content Images | |
DST TO C 02 | A Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function | |
DST TO C 03 | Blurriness-guided Unsharp Masking | |
DST TO C 04 | Convolutional Regression for Visual Tracking | |
DST TO C 05 | Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation | |
DST TO C 06 | Explicit Ringing Removal in Image Deblurring | |
DST TO C 07 | Full Scale Regression-based Injection Coefficients for Panchromatic Sharpening | |
DST TO C 08 | Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double-sided Embedding Error Diffusion | |
DST TO C 09 | Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior | |
DST TO C 010 | Image Super-resolution with Parametric Sparse Model Learning | |
DST TO C 011 | Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super-Resolution: A Deep Learning Approach | |
DST TO C 012 | Learning View-Specific Deep Networks for Person Re-Identification | |
DST TO C 013 | Manifold-based Visual Object Counting | |
DST TO C 014 | Moir´e Photo Restoration Using Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks | |
DST TO C 015 | NIMA: Neural Image Assessment | |
DST TO C 016 | SCOM: Spatiotemporal Constrained Optimization for Salient Object Detection | |
DST TO C 017 | Simultaneously Discovering and Localizing Common Objects in Wild Images | |
DST TO C 018 | Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Rational Fractal Interpolation | |
DST TO C 019 | Superpixel Hierarchy | |
DST TO C 020 | Towards Optimal Denoising of Image Contrast | |
DST TO C 021 | Skin Segmentation based on Improved Thresholding Method | |
DST TO C 022 | Optimization of Object – Based Image Segmentation in Classifying Water Region | |
DST TO C 023 | Performance Comparison and Analysis of Medical Image Segmentation Techniques | |
DST TO C 024 | Image Dehazing Method by Fusing Weighted Near-Infrared Image | |
DST TO C 025 | Using multilayer walk for image segmentation | |
DST TO C 026 | Region of interest of human lumbar spine segmentation using geometric triangular analysis | |
DST TO C 027 | A Framework for Outdoor RGB Image Enhancement and Dehazing | |
DST TO C 028 | Model Assisted Multi-band Fusion for Single Image Enhancement and Applications to Robot Vision | |
DST TO C 029 | Single image dehazing using local linear fusion | |
DST TO C 030 | A Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network for Single Image Dehazing | |
DST TO C 031 | A Naturalness Preserved Fast Dehazing Algorithm Using HSV Color Space | |
DST TO C 032 | LAPSE: Low-Overhead Adaptive Power Saving and Contrast Enhancement for OLEDs | |
DST TO C 033 | Hybrid robust iris recognition approach using iris image pre-processing, two-dimensional gabor features and multi-layer perceptron neural network/PSO | |
DST TO C 034 | Intra-Hour Cloud Tracking Based on Probability Hypothesis Density Filtering | |
DST TO C 035 | Digital Affine Shear Filter Banks with 2-Layer Structure and Their Applications in Image Processing | |
DST TO C 036 | High-Speed Image Velocimetry System for Rainfall Measurement | |
DST TO C 037 | Plenoptic Image Coding using Macropixel-based Intra Prediction | |
DST TO C 038 | Image Processing and Analysis of Phase-Contrast Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge to Monitor the Wastewater Treatment Plants | |
DST TO C 039 | Multi-Organ Plant Classification based on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural networks | |
DST TO C 040 | A Fusion Framework for Camouflaged Moving Foreground Detection in the Wavelet Domain | |
DST TO C 041 | Visual Tracking with Weighted Adaptive Local Sparse Appearance Model via Spatio-Temporal Context Learning | |
DST TO C 042 | SBPG: Secure Better Portable Graphics for Trustworthy Media Communications in the IoT (Invited Paper) | |
DST TO C 043 | SBPG: Secure Better Portable Graphics for Trustworthy Media Communications in the IoT (Invited Paper) | |
DST TO C 044 | Breaking News: Article Annotation by Image and Text Processing | |
DST TO C 045 | Breaking News: Article Annotation by Image and Text Processing | |
DST TO C 046 | Joint Crypto-Stego Scheme for Enhanced Image Protection with Nearest-Centroid Clustering | |
DST TO C 047 | From Focal Stack to Tensor Light-Field Display | |
DST TO C 048 | Beyond Joints: Learning Representations from Primitive Geometries for Skeleton-based Action Recognition and Detection | |
DST TO C 049 | Cross-Paced Representation Learning with Partial Curricula for Sketch-based Image Retrieval | |
DST TO C 050 | Find who to look at: Turning from action to saliency | |
DST TO C 051 | Find who to look at: Turning from action to saliency | |
DST TO C 052 | Automatic Pearl Classification Machine Based on Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network | |
DST TO C 053 | An Accurate Multi-Row Panorama Generation Using Multi-Point Joint Stitching | |
DST TO C 054 | H-DenseUNet: Hybrid Densely Connected UNet for Liver and Tumor Segmentation from CT Volumes | |
DST TO C 055 | 3D Subject-Specific Shape and Density Estimation of the Lumbar Spine from a Single Anteroposterior DXA Image Including Assessment of Cortical and Trabecular Bone | |
DST TO C 056 | NOVIFAST: A fast algorithm for accurate and precise VFA MRI T1 mapping | |
DST TO C 057 | Automatic Microaneurysms Detection on Retinal Images Using Deep Convolution Neural Network | |
DST TO C 058 | Extraction of Nostril Regions using Periodical Thermal Change for Breath Monitoring | |
DST TO C 059 | Active Contour Segmentation of Polyps in Capsule Endoscopic Images | |
DST TO C 060 | Segmentation of Optic Disc from Fundus images | |
DST TO C 061 | A Framework of Predicting Drug Resistance of Lung Tuberculosis by Utilizing Radiological Images | |
DST TO C 062 | A deep learning approach for vital signs compression and energy efficient delivery in mHealth systems | |
DST TO C 063 | Identification and Removal of Physiological Artifacts from Electroencephalogram Signals: A Review | |
DST TO C 064 | Regularization Analysis and Design for Prior-Image-Based X-ray CT Reconstruction | |
DST TO C 065 | A Multi-Anatomical Retinal Structure Segmentation System for Automatic Eye Screening Using Morphological Adaptive Fuzzy Thresholding | |
DST TO C 066 | A Novel System to Measure Infants’ Nutritive Sucking During Breastfeeding: the Breastfeeding Diagnostic Device (BDD) | |
DST TO C 067 | The Fuzzy System as a Promising Tool for Drugs Selection in Medical Practice | |
DST TO C 068 | Random Walker Framework for Sensor-based Echocardiography Fusion | |
DST TO C 069 | Acoustical Emission Analysis by Unsupervised Graph Mining: A Novel Biomarker of Knee Health Status | |
DST TO C 070 | An automatic detection of the ROI using Otsu thresholding in nonlinear difference EIT imaging | |
DST TO C 071 | Label-Free Assessment of Premalignant Gastric Lesions Using Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy | |
DST TO C 072 | Temporally Coherent Illumination Normalization for Indocyanine Green Video Angiography | |
DST TO C 073 | Automatic localization of the needle target for ultrasound-guided epidural injections | |
DST TO C 074 | FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells with Growing and Branching Filopodia | |
DST TO C 075 | Automated Dental Image Analysis by Deep Learning on Small Dataset | |
DST TO C 076 | PWLS-ULTRA: An Efficient Clustering and Learning-Based Approach for Low-Dose 3D CT Image Reconstruction | |
DST TO C 077 | A Novel Method to Detect Interface of Conductivity Changes in Magneto-Acousto- Electrical Tomography Using Chirp Signal Excitation Method | |
DST TO C 078 | DeepSS: Exploring Splice Site Motif Through Convolutional Neural Network Directly From DNA Sequence | |
DST TO C 079 | Detection of Borderline Mental Disorder On Electro cardio signals Using EMD | |
DST TO C 080 | Brain Tumors Classification From MR images Using a Neural Network and the Central Moments | |
DST TO C 081 | Parallel and High Speed Hashing in GPU for Telemedicine Applications | |
DST TO C 01 | Performance Analysis of Secret Precoding-Aided Spatial Modulation with Finite-Alphabet Signaling | |
DST TO C 02 | Massive-MIMO Enabled FDD Wireless Backhaul Small-cell Relay Networks: AF Protocol Based Designs with Low Channel Estimation and Feedback Complexity | |
DST TO C 03 | On Physical-Layer Security in Multiuser Visible Light Communication Systems with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access | |
DST TO C 04 | Multistatic Scatter Radio Sensor Networks for Extended Coverage | |
DST TO C 05 | Sensitive and Nonlinear Far Field RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Communications | |
DST TO C 06 | Energy-Efficient Hybrid Precoding Design for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems Via Coordinate Update Algorithms | |
DST TO C 07 | Capacity Results on Multiple-Input Single-Output Wireless Optical Channels | |
DST TO C 08 | A Novel Digital-Intensive Hybrid Polar-I/Q RF Transmitter Architecture | |
DST TO C 09 | Mode Hopping for Anti-Jamming in Radio Vortex Wireless Communications | |
DST TO C 010 | Coverage Analysis for Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks with Imperfect Beam Alignment | |
DST TO C 011 | Propagation Models and Performance Evaluation for 5G Millimeter-Wave Bands | |
DST TO C 012 | Distributed Power Control for Multi-hop Energy Harvesting Links with Retransmission | |
DST TO C 013 | Optimal Power Allocation by Imperfect Hardware Analysis in Untrusted Relaying Networks | |
DST TO C 014 | Dirty MIMO Transmitters: Does It Matter? | |
DST TO C 015 | Intrinsic Secrecy of EGT and MRT Precoders for Proper and Improper Modulations | |
DST TO C 016 | A Non-stationary Service Curve Model for Estimation of Cellular Sleep Scheduling | |
DST TO C 017 | Massive MIMO has Unlimited Capacity | |
DST TO C 018 | A Random Access Protocol for Pilot Allocation in Crowded Massive MIMO Systems | |
DST TO C 019 | Time-to-Space Division Multiplexing for Tb/s Mobile Cells | |
DST TO C 020 | Super-Resolution Channel Estimation for MmWave Massive MIMO with Hybrid Precoding | |
DST TO C 021 | Large System Analysis of Two-Stage Beamforming With Limited Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO Systems | |
DST TO C 022 | Channel Feedback Codebook Design for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems Relying on Lens Antenna Array | |
DST TO C 023 | Network Deployment for Maximal Energy Efficiency in Uplink with Multislope Path Loss | |
DST TO C 024 | High-sensitive Smartphone-based Raman System based on Cloud Network Architecture | |
DST TO C 025 | Channel Feedback Based on AoD-Adaptive Subspace Codebook in FDD Massive MIMO Systems | |
DST TO C 026 | Geometric Mean Decomposition Based Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO | |
DST TO C 027 | Relay Hybrid Precoding Design in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems | |
DST TO C 028 | Energy-Efficient D2D Communication Based Retransmission Scheme for Reliable Multicast in Wireless Cellular Network | |
DST TO C 029 | Achieving Green Transmission With Energy Harvesting Based Cooperative Communication | |
DST TO C 030 | Uplink Access Protocol in IEEE 802.11ac | |
DST TO C 031 | Modeling and Control of a Master–Slave PV Inverter With N-Paralleled Inverters and Three-Phase Three-Limb Inductors | |
DST TO C 032 | Throughput Maximization for Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Network With Wireless Energy Harvesting | |
DST TO C 033 | Slice as an Evolutionary Service: Genetic Optimization for Inter-Slice Resource Management in 5G Networks | |
DST TO C 034 | Secret Key Establishment via RSS Trajectory Matching Between Wearable Devices | |
DST TO C 035 | Cellular Network Traces Towards 5G: Usage, Analysis and Generation | |
DST TO C 036 | Compressive Data Gathering Based on Even Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks | |
DST TO C 037 | OEHadoop: Accelerate Hadoop Applications by Co-designing Hadoop with Data Center Network | |
DST TO C 038 | Efficient and Consistent Flow Update for Software Defined Networks |
Branch: Electrical Engineering
Topic: Power Electronics(2017-18) | Project code | Project theme | Download |
1 | ICDST-AD01 | CPA-SLAM: consistent plane-model alignment for direct RGB-d slam | |
2 | ICDST-AD02 | A local structure and direction-aware optimization approach for three-dimensional tree modeling | |
3 | ICDST-AD03 | A smart phone app framework for segmented cancer care coordination | |
4 | ICDST-AD04 | Association between tumor heterogeneity and overall survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer | |
5 | ICDST-AD05 | Automatic brain tumor tissue detection based on hierarchical centroid shape descriptor in t1-weighted MRI images. | |
6 | ICDST-AD06 | Automatic hookworm detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images | |
7 | ICDST-AD07 | Locality sensitive deep learning for detection and Classification of nuclei in routine colon cancer Histology images | |
8 | ICDST-AD08 | MLP neural network classifier for medical image segmentation | |
9 | ICDST-AD09 | Nonparametric joint shape and feature priors for segmentation of Dendritic spines | |
10 | ICDST-AD10 | Pulmonary fissure detection in ct images using a Derivative of stick filter | |
11 | ICDST-AD11 | Segmenting overlapping cervical cell in pap smear images | |
12 | ICDST-AD12 | Tumour ROI estimation in ultrasound images via radon barcodes | |
13 | ICDST-AD13 | Lung cancer survival prediction from pathological images and Genetic |
S.No. | Project code | Project theme | Technology | Download |
1 | TODST-PC01 | A Dual Inverter for an Open End Winding induction Motor Drive without an Isolation Transformer | Power converters | |
2 | TODST-PC02 | A Fully Integrated Three-Level Isolated Single-Stage PFC Converter | Power converters | |
3 | TODST-PC03 | An Energy Stored Quasi-Z Source Cascade Multilevel Inverter Based Photovoltaic Power Generation System | Power converters | |
4 | TODST-PC04 | An Observer-Based Optimal Voltage Control Scheme for Three-Phase UPS Systems | Power converters | |
5 | TODST-PC05 | Carrier-Based Pulse Width Modulation for Symmetrical Six-Phase Drives | Power converters | |
6 | TODST-PC06 | Control and Experiment of an H-Bridge Based Three-Phase Three-Stage Modular Power Electronic Transformer | Power converters | |
7 | TODST-PC07 | Current Control of Grid Converters Connected with Series AC Capacitor | Power converters | |
8 | TODST-PC08 | DC-Link Voltage Control Strategy for Three-Phase Back-to-Back Active Power Conditioners | Power converters | |
9 | TODST-PC09 | Design and Simulation of Five-level Inverter Based DSTATCOM Using Fuzzy Logic | Power converters | |
10 | TODST-PC10 | Design of a Generalized Control Algorithm for Parallel Inverters for Smooth Microgrid Transition Operation | Power converters | |
11 | TODST-PC11 | Digital Notch Filter based Active Damping for LCL Filters | Power converters | |
12 | TODST-PC12 | Direct Power Control Based on Natural Switching Surface for Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers | Power converters | |
13 | TODST-PC13 | Disturbance Rejection Strategies for AC/DC Microgrids | Power converters | |
14 | TODST-PC14 | Enhanced Pulse-Density-Modulated Power Control for High Frequency Induction Heating Inverters | Power converters | |
15 | TODST-PC15 | Full-bridge Reactive Power Compensator with Minimized Equipped Capacitor and its Application to Static Var Compensator | Power converters | |
16 | TODST-PC16 | High-Performance Control of Paralleled Three-Phase Inverters for Residential Microgrid Architectures Based on Online Uninterruptable Power Systems | Power converters | |
17 | TODST-PC17 | Implement Optimal Vector Control for LCL-Filter-Based Grid-Connected Converters by Using Recurrent Neural Networks | Power converters | |
18 | TODST-PC18 | Implementation of Hybrid Filter for 12-Pulse Thyristor Rectifier Supplying High-Current Variable-Voltage DC Load | Power converters | |
19 | TODST-PC19 | Negative Sequence Current Optimizing Control based on Railway Static Power Conditioner in V/v Traction Power Supply System | Power converters | |
20 | TODST-PC20 | PLL-less Robust Active and Reactive Power Controller for Single Phase Grid-Connected Inverter with LCL Filter | Power converters | |
21 | TODST-PC21 | Research on Uninterrupted Power Supply Technology for Auxiliary Winding of Electric Locomotive when Passing Neutral Section | Power converters | |
22 | TODST-PC22 | Resonant harmonic elimination pulse width modulation-based high-frequency resonance suppression of high-speed railways | Power converters | |
23 | TODST-PC23 | Simplified Model and Control Strategy of Three-Phase PWM Current Source Rectifiers for DC Voltage Power Supply Applications | Power converters | |
24 | TODST-PC24 | Simplified PWM with Switching Constraint Method to Prevent Circulating Currents for Paralleled Bidirectional AC/DC Converters in Grid-Tied System Using Graphic Analysis | Power converters | |
25 | TODST-PC25 | Single Stage Fuel Cell to Grid Interface with Multilevel Current Source Inverters | Power converters | |
26 | TODST-PC26 | Space Vector Modulation for Single-Phase Transformer less Three-Leg Unified Power Quality Conditioner | Power converters | |
27 | TODST-PC27 | Startup Schemes for Modular Multilevel Converter Under Different Load Conditions | Power converters | |
28 | TODST-PC28 | Three-phase Inverter Synchronization Control Utilizing Internal Model Principle | Power converters | |
29 | TODST-PC29 | Two-stage Matrix Converter based on Third-harmonic Injection Technique | Power converters | |
30 | TODST-PC30 | Z-source online UPS | Power converters |
