Dot Net Projects
Branch: Computer Science
Topic: .Net (2018-19) | Project code | Project theme | Technology | Download |
1 | ICDST-DN01 | A Secure Intrusion detection system against DDOS attack in Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Network | Data Mining | |
2 | ICDST-DN02 | A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big Sensor Data on Cloud | Data Mining | |
3 | ICDST-DN03 | Automating Online ICM Scheduling | Data Mining | |
4 | ICDST-DN04 | Automation of funds to ANBAGAM using asp .net | Data Mining | |
5 | ICDST-DN05 | Backward Path Growth for Efficient Mobile Sequential Recommendation | Data Mining | |
6 | ICDST-DN06 | Blood donation system | Data Mining | |
7 | ICDST-DN07 | Book Store Management System | Data Mining | |
8 | ICDST-DN08 | CISRI: A Crime Investigation System Using the Relative Importance of Information Spreaders in Networks Depicting Criminals Communications | Data Mining | |
9 | ICDST-DN09 | College Automation System | Data Mining | |
11 | ICDST-DN11 | College E-Lecturer annotation | Data Mining | |
13 | ICDST-DN13 | College report handling system | Data Mining | |
13 | ICDST-DN13 | Course Assessment outcome Managing system | Data Mining | |
14 | ICDST-DN14 | Degree Detection Completion System | Data Mining | |
15 | ICDST-DN15 | Development of a Web based Online Examination System | Data Mining | |
16 | ICDST-DN16 | E-Correction & Recovery the Government Credential | Data Mining | |
17 | ICDST-DN17 | Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data | Dependable and Secure Computing, | |
18 | ICDST-DN18 | Encryption for Implantable Medical Devices Using Modified One-Time Pads | Data Mining | |
19 | ICDST-DN19 | Examination Result Analysis System | Data Mining | |
20 | ICDST-DN20 | Green Energy and Content-Aware Data Transmissions in Maritime Wireless Communication Networks | Data Mining | |
21 | ICDST-DN21 | Internet Based Live Courier Tracking and Delivery System | Data Mining | |
22 | ICDST-DN22 | Inventory Management System | Data Mining | |
23 | ICDST-DN23 | Library Management System | Data Mining | |
15 | ICDST-DN15 | Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds | Parallel and Distributed Computing, | |
25 | ICDST-DN25 | Minimizing File Download Time over Stochastic Channels in Peer-to-Peer Networks | Networking | |
26 | ICDST-DN26 | Municipal Corporation Complaint Management System | Data Mining | |
27 | ICDST-DN27 | Online blood donor management system | Data Mining | |
28 | ICDST-DN28 | Online Crime Management System | Data Mining | |
29 | ICDST-DN29 | Online Examination System | Data Mining | |
30 | ICDST-DN30 | Online Personal Counseling system | Data Mining | |
31 | ICDST-DN31 | Predictive Data Delivery to Mobile Users through Mobility Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Networks, | |
32 | ICDST-DN32 | Privacy Policy Inference of User-Uploaded Images on Content Sharing Sites | Data Mining | |
33 | ICDST-DN33 | Privacy Preserving Multi-Factor Authentication with Biometrics | Data Mining | |
34 | ICDST-DN34 | Saliency based Ulcer Detection for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosis | Digital Image Processing | |
35 | ICDST-DN35 | School Event and Attendance Management process | Data Mining | |
36 | ICDST-DN36 | Smart Streaming for Online Video Services | Data Mining | |
37 | ICDST-DN37 | TASC: Topic-Adaptive Sentiment Classification on Dynamic Tweets | Data Mining | |
38 | ICDST-DN38 | Text analysis for detecting terrorism-related articles on the web | Networking | |
39 | ICDST-DN39 | Thrift society automation | Data Mining | |
40 | ICDST-DN40 | Toward Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing: Prediction, Consolidation, and Over commitment | Data Mining | |
41 | ICDST-DN41 | Using Contextual Learning to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy: Application in Breast Cancer Screening Data Mining | Image Processing | |
42 | ICDST-DN42 | Privacy-preserving public auditing for regenerating-code-based cloud storage | Cloud Computing | |
43 | ICDST-DN43 | CrowdOp: Query Optimization for Declarative Crowdsourcing Systems | Data Mining | |
44 | ICDST-DN44 | Time-Series Classification with COTE: The Collective of Transformation-Based Ensembles | Data Mining | |
45 | ICDST-DN45 | An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
46 | ICDST-DN46 | Delay Analysis of Multichannel Opportunistic Spectrum Access MAC Protocols | Mobile Computing | |
47 | ICDST-DN47 | PruDent: A Pruned and Confident Stacking Approach for Multi-label Classification | Data Mining | |
48 | ICDST-DN48 | A Novel Data-Mining Approach Leveraging Social Media to Monitor Consumer Opinion of Sitagliptin | Data Mining | |
49 | ICDST-DN49 | LEISURE: A Framework for Load-Balanced Network – Wide Traffic Measuremen | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
50 | ICDST-DN50 | Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols for Parallel Network File Systems | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
51 | ICDST-DN51 | Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security | Data Mining | |
52 | ICDST-DN52 | Raw Wind Data Preprocessing: A Data-Mining Approach | Data Mining | |
53 | ICDST-DN53 | Predicting Location-Based Sequential Purchasing Events by Using Spatial, Temporal, and Social Patterns | Data Mining | |
54 | ICDST-DN54 | Removing DUST Using Multiple Alignment of Sequences | Data Mining | |
55 | ICDST-DN55 | SEDASC: shared data authority Scheme | Cloud Computing | |
56 | ICDST-DN56 | A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
57 | ICDST-DN57 | Shared Authority Based Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
58 | ICDST-DN58 | Diversifying Web Service Recommendation Results via Exploring Service Usage History | Service Computing | |
59 | ICDST-DN59 | Provable Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems | Cloud Computing | |
60 | ICDST-DN60 | My Privacy My Decision: Control of Photo Sharing on Online Social Networks | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
61 | ICDST-DN61 | Keyword Extraction and Clustering for Document Recommendation in Conversations | Data Mining | |
62 | ICDST-DN62 | An Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System by Using Data Mining and Forensic Techniques | Data Mining | |
63 | ICDST-DN63 | Virtual Servers Co-Migration for Mobile Accesses Online vs. Offline | Mobile Computing | |
64 | ICDST-DN64 | A Critical-time-point Approachto All-departure-time Lagrangian Shortest Paths | Data Mining | |
65 | ICDST-DN65 | A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing | |
66 | ICDST-DN66 | Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection System | Networking | |
67 | ICDST-DN67 | Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing | |
68 | ICDST-DN68 | Bidding Strategies for Spot Instances in Cloud Computing Markets | Cloud Computing | |
69 | ICDST-DN69 | BiSet: Semantic Edge Bundling with Biclusters for Sensemaking | Data Mining | |
70 | ICDST-DN70 | Boosting Response Aware Model-Based Collaborative Filtering | Data Mining | |
71 | ICDST-DN71 | CEDAR: A Low-Latency and Distributed Strategy for Packet Recovery in Wireless Networks | Networking | |
72 | ICDST-DN72 | CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability | Cloud Computing | |
73 | ICDST-DN73 | Cloud Armor: Supporting Reputation-based Trust Management for Cloud Services | Cloud Computing | |
74 | ICDST-DN74 | Co-Cluster D: A Distributed Framework for Data Co-Clustering with Sequential Updates | Data Mining | |
75 | ICDST-DN75 | CoCoWa: A Collaborative Contact-Based Watchdog for Detecting Selfish Nodes | Mobile Computing | |
76 | ICDST-DN76 | DaSCE: Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi-Trusted Third Party | Cloud Computing | |
77 | ICDST-DN77 | Data as a Currency and Cloud-Based Data Lockers | Cloud Computing | |
78 | ICDST-DN78 | Differentially Private Frequent Item-set Mining via Transaction Splitting | Data Mining | |
79 | ICDST-DN79 | Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Based Wireless Networks: A Two-Stage Probing Approach | Networking | |
80 | ICDST-DN80 | Dynamic Weight-Based Individual Similarity Calculation for Information Searching in Social Computing | Data Mining | |
81 | ICDST-DN81 | Efficient audit service outsourcing for data integrity in clouds | Cloud Computing | |
82 | ICDST-DN82 | Efficient Algorithms for Mining the Concise and Lossless Representation of High Utility Itemsets | Data Mining | |
83 | ICDST-DN83 | Enabling Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Data Through Blind Storage | Mobile Computing | |
84 | ICDST-DN84 | Energy-Efficient Group Key Agreement for Wireless Networks | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
85 | ICDST-DN85 | Generic and Efficient Constructions of Attribute-Based Encryption with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
86 | ICDST-DN86 | Group Key Agreement with Local Connectivity | Networking | |
87 | ICDST-DN87 | A Hybrid cloud approach for secure authorized seduplication | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
88 | ICDST-DN88 | iPath: Path Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks | Networking | |
89 | ICDST-DN89 | Joint Static and Dynamic Traffic Scheduling in Data Center Networks | Networking | |
90 | ICDST-DN90 | k -Nearest Neighbor Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Relational Data | Data Mining | |
91 | ICDST-DN91 | Location Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Based on Document Proximity | Data Mining | |
92 | ICDST-DN92 | Location-Aware and Personalized Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommendation | Service Computing | |
93 | ICDST-DN93 | Disease Inference from Health-Related Questions via Sparse Deep Learning | Data Mining | |
94 | ICDST-DN94 | On Downlink Beam-forming with Small Cells in Wireless Heterogeneous Systems | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
95 | ICDST-DN95 | On-Demand Discovery of Software Service Dependencies in MANETs | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
96 | ICDST-DN96 | Performing Initiative Data Prefetching in Distributed File Systems for Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing | |
97 | ICDST-DN97 | Privacy protection for wireless sensor medical data | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
98 | ICDST-DN98 | PWDGR: Pair-Wise Directional Geographical Routing Based on Wireless Sensor Network | Networking | |
99 | ICDST-DN99 | Quality-assured Secured Load Sharing in Mobile Cloud Networking Environment | Cloud Computing | |
100 | ICDST-DN100 | Rank-Based Similarity Search: Reducing the Dimensional Dependence | Data Mining | |
101 | ICDST-DN101 | RANWAR: Rank-Based Weighted Association Rule Mining from Gene Expression and Methylation Data | Data Mining | |
102 | ICDST-DN102 | REAL: A Reciprocal Protocol for Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks | Dependable and Secure Computing | |
103 | ICDST-DN103 | Review selection using microreview | Data Mining | |
104 | ICDST-DN104 | SanGA: A Self-Adaptive Network-Aware Approach t o Service Composition | Service Computing | |
105 | ICDST-DN105 | Secure Audit Service by Using TPA for Data Integrity in Cloud System | Data Mining | |
106 | ICDST-DN106 | Secure Binary Image Steganography Based On Minimizing the distortion on the textur | Networking | |
107 | ICDST-DN107 | Secure Data Transmission using Steganography and encryption technique | Data Mining | |
108 | ICDST-DN108 | Social Recommendation with Cross-Domain Transferable Knowledge | Data Mining | |
109 | ICDST-DN109 | Software Puzzle: A Countermeasure to Resource-Inflated Denial-of- Service Attacks | Networking | |
110 | ICDST-DN110 | Task Allocation for Wireless Sensor Network Using Modified Binary Particle Swarm Optimization | Wireless Sensor Networking | |
111 | ICDST-DN111 | Text Detection and Recognition in Imagery: A Survey | Data Mining | |
112 | ICDST-DN112 | Three-server swapping for access confidentiality | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
113 | ICDST-DN113 | Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques | Data Mining | |
114 | ICDST-DN114 | Towards Open-World Person Re-Identification by One-Shot Group-based Verification | Data Mining | |
115 | ICDST-DN115 | Trust and Compactness in Social Network Groups | Networking | |
116 | ICDST-DN116 | Universal Network Coding-Based Opportunistic Routing for Unicast | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
117 | ICDST-DN117 | VEGAS: Visual influence GrAph Summarization on Citation Networks | Data Mining | |
118 | ICDST-DN118 | ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds | Cloud Computing | |
80 | ICDST-DN80 | Bridging the Vocabulary Gap between Health Seekers and Healthcare Knowledge | Data Mining | |
120 | ICDST-DN120 | Customizable Point-of-Interest Queries in Road Networks | WebService | |
121 | ICDST-DN121 | Joint Spectrum and Power Allocation for Multi-node Cooperative Wireless System | Mobile Computing | |
122 | ICDST-DN122 | Implementation and Evaluation of Digital E-Lecture Annotation in Learning Groups to Foster Active Learning | Cloud Computing | |
123 | ICDST-DN123 | Least Cost Influence Maximization Across Multiple Social Networks | Cloud Computing | |
115 | ICDST-DN115 | On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy | Networking | |
125 | ICDST-DN125 | SmartCrawler: A Two-stage Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces | Service Computing | |
126 | ICDST-DN126 | Trust Enhanced Cryptographic Role-based Access Control for Secure Cloud Data Storage | Cloud Computing | |
127 | ICDST-DN127 | Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
128 | ICDST-DN128 | TEES: An Efficient Search Scheme over Encrypted Data on Mobile Cloud | Cloud Computing | |
129 | ICDST-DN129 | SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
130 | ICDST-DN130 | Answering Pattern Queries Using Views | Data Mining | |
131 | ICDST-DN131 | Trust and Compactness in Social Network Groups | Networking | |
132 | ICDST-DN132 | BURSE: A Bursty andSelf-Similar Workload Generator for Cloud Computing | Parallel and Distributed Computing | |
133 | ICDST-DN133 | Clustering Deviations for BlackBox Regression Testing of Database Applications | Data Mining | |
134 | ICDST-DN134 | DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security | Cloud Computing | |
135 | ICDST-DN135 | Aggressive Resource Provisioning for Ensuring QOS in virtualized Environment | Cloud Computing | |
136 | ICDST-DN136 | A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data | Cloud Computing | |
137 | ICDST-DN137 | Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing | |
138 | ICDST-DN138 | An Efficient Green Control Algorithm in Cloud Computing for Cost Optimization | Data Mining | |
139 | ICDST-DN139 | Discovery of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Apps | Data Mining |
