Branch: Computer Science
Topic: B.Tech Android Projects
S.NO | TITLES | DOMAIN | Download |
DST TO AD 01 | A cost Effective Deadline-constrained Dynamic scheduling algorithm for scientific workflows in a cloud Environment | Android | |
DST TO AD 02 | A Distributed Auction based Framework for Scalable IaaS Provisioning in Geo Data Centers | Android | |
DST TO AD 03 | A key policy attribute based temporary keyword search scheme for secure cloud storage | Android | |
DST TO AD 04 | A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification | Android | |
DST TO AD 05 | A Shapley value Mechanism for Bandwidth on Demand between Datacenters | Android | |
DST TO AD 06 | Catch You if You Misbehave Ranked Keyword Search Results Verification in Cloud Computing | Android | |
DST TO AD 07 | Detecting Performance Anomalies in Cloud Platform Applications | Android | |
DST TO AD 08 | Efficient Regular Language Search for Secure Cloud Storage | Android | |
DST TO AD 09 | Efficient Traceable Authorization Search System | Android | |
DST TO AD 010 | On the Feasibility of Using Current Data Centre Infrastructure for Latency-sensitive Applications | Android | |
DST TO AD 011 | Optimizing Information Leakage in Multi cloud Storage Services | Android | |
DST TO AD 012 | Privacy Aware Data Deduplication for Side Channel in Cloud Storage | Android | |
DST TO AD 013 | Revenue Maximization for Dynamic Expansion of Geo-distributed Cloud Data Centers | Android | |
DST TO AD 014 | Risk-Aware Management of Virtual Resources in Access Controlled Service-oriented Cloud Datacenters | Android | |
DST TO AD 015 | Towards Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Workloads in IaaS Clouds | Android | |
DST TO AD 016 | Towards Privacy-preserving Content-based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing | Android | |
DST TO AD 017 | Towards Security-based Formation of Cloud | Android | |
DST TO AD 018 | EDoS ADS An Enhanced Mitigation Technique against Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Attacks | Android | |
DST TO AD 019 | Improving Operational Efficiency of Applications via Cloud Computing | Android | |
DST TO AD 020 | Locality-aware Scheduling for Containers in Cloud Computing | Android | |
DST TO AD 021 | Planning Approach for Reassigning Virtual Machines in IaaS Clouds | Android | |
DST TO AD 022 | Supporting Data-intensive Workflows in software defined Federated Multiple clouds | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 023 | Translating algorithms to handle fully Homomorphic Encrypted data on the cloud | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 024 | Dynamic VM scaling: provisioning and pricing through an online auction | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 025 | Enhancing performance and energy Efficiency for Hybrid workloads in virtualized cloud Environment | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 026 | Price based Resource allocation for Edge computing :A market equilibrium approach | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 027 | A Robust Generic Multi-Authority Attributes Management System for Cloud Storage Services | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 028 | Cooperative Set Homomorphic Proofs for Data Possession Checking in Clouds | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 029 | KeyD: Secure Key-Deduplication with Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 030 | Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Delegatable Proofs of Storage with Data Dynamics in Cloud Storage | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 031 | Outsourcing Proofs of Retrievability | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 032 | SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in the Cloud | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 033 | Hedonic Pricing of Cloud Computing Services | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 034 | Cloud Resource Scaling for Time-Bounded and Unbounded Big Data Streaming Applications | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 035 | Dependable Data Outsourcing Scheme Based on Cloud-of- Clouds Approach with Fast Recovery | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 036 | Network and Application-Aware Cloud Service Selection in Peer-Assisted Environments | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 037 | Optimizing Quality-Aware Big Data Applications in the Cloud | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 038 | Virtual Network Recognition and Optimization in SDN- enabled Cloud Environment | CLOUD COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 01 | DATA MININGFinding optimal skyline product combinations under price promotion | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 02 | Multi label learning with Emerging new labels | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 03 | On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword queries | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 04 | Online Product Quantization | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 05 | Optimizing quality for probabilistic skyline computation and probabilistic similarity search | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 06 | Order-Sensitive Imputation for Clustered Missing values | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 07 | Partially Related Multi-Task Clustering | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 08 | Relationship between variants of one-class nearest neighbors and creating their accurate Ensembles | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 09 | Privacy Enhanced Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Local Differential Privacy | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 010 | Privacy preserving collaborative model Learning: The case of word vector training | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 011 | Relationship between variants of one-class nearest neighbors and creating their accurate Ensembles | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 012 | Rules based entity Entity Resolution on Database with DATA MINING hidden temporal information | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 013 | Self-Tuned Descriptive Document Clustering using a predictive network | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 014 | Semi-supervised ensemble clustering based on selected constraint projection | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 015 | SIMkNN A Scalable Method for In-Memory kNN search over moving objects in Road Networks | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 016 | Top-k Critical Vertices Query on Shortest Path | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 017 | Unsupervised Coupled Metric Similarity for Non IID Categorical data | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 018 | We Like, We Post A Joint User-Post Approach for face book post stance Labeling | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 019 | A Correlation based feature weighting filter for Naive Bayes. | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 020 | A note on the behavior of majority voting in Multi class domain with biased annotators | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 021 | Automated Discovery of process models from Event DATA MINING Logs: Review and Benchmark | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 022 | Efficient vertical mining of High Average utility item sets based on Novel-upper Bounds | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 023 | Hierarchical Multi clue Modeling for popularity prediction with Heterogeneous Tourist information | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 024 | Normalization of Duplicate records from multiple Resources | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 025 | On spatial aware community search | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 026 | Privacy preserving social media data publishing for personalized Ranking based recommendation | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 027 | Progressive approaches for pareto optimal groups computation | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 028 | Structure preserved unsupervised domain adaptation | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 029 | Super graph search in Graph databases via Hierarchical Feature -Tree | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 030 | Towards confidence interval estimation in Truth Discovery | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 031 | Visual cascade probability estimation and maximization in Diffusion Networks | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 032 | Webpage depth viewability prediction using Deep Sequential Neural Networks | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 033 | Analysis of University Fitness Center Data Uncovers Interesting Patterns, Enables Prediction | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 034 | D2HistoSketch: Discriminative and Dynamic Similarity-Preserving Sketching of Streaming Histograms | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 035 | Efficient Scheduling of Scientific Workflows using Hot Metadata in a Multisite Cloud | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 036 | Low-rank Sparse Subspace for Spectral Clustering | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 037 | MUSE: Minimum Uncertainty and Sample Elimination Based Binary Feature Selection | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 038 | Pair-Linking for Collective Entity Disambiguation: Two Could Be Better Than All | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 039 | Pricing Average Price Advertising Options When Underlying Spot Market Prices Are Discontinuous | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 040 | Reader Comment Digest Through Latent Event DATA MINING Facets and News Specificity | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 041 | Relative Pairwise Relationship Constrained Non-negative Matrix Factorisation | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 042 | User Preference Analysis for Most Frequent Peer/Dominator | DATA MINING | |
DST TO AD 043 | Utilization-Aware Trip Advisor in Bike-sharing Systems Based on User Behavior Analysis | DATA MINING | |
BIG DATA | |||
DST TO AD 01 | A Meta path based Method for Entity set Expansion in knowledge graph | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 02 | Trident: Distributed Storage, Analysis, and Exploration of Multidimensional Phenomena | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 03 | A bilinear ranking SVM for knowledge based relation prediction and classification | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 04 | A Stack-Centric Processing Model For Iterative Processing | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 05 | On scalable and robust Truth Discovery in Big data social media sensing applications | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 06 | Clustering Analysis in the Wireless Propagation Channel with a Variational Gaussian Mixture Model | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 07 | Modeling and Visualizing Student Flow | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 08 | A bilinear ranking SVM for knowledge based relation prediction and classification | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 09 | A Novel Hilbert Curve for Cache-locality Preserving Loops | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 010 | Sampling Big Trajectory Data for Traversal Trajectory Aggregate Query Yichen | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 011 | Closed Walk Sampler: An Efficient Method for Estimating Eigenvalues of Large Graphs | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 012 | Efficient Path Query Processing over Massive Trajectories on the Cloud | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 013 | Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs: A Hierarchy-Constrained Approach | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 014 | Sampling Big Trajectory Data for Traversal Trajectory Aggregate Query | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 015 | Cost-efficient Heterogeneous Worker Recruitment under Coverage Requirement in Spatial Crowdsourcing | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 016 | Modeling and visualizing student flow | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 017 | A Shared-Memory Algorithm for Updating Tree-Based Properties of Large Dynamic Networks | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 018 | Parallel Grid-based Colocation Mining Algorithms on GPUs for Big Spatial Event Data | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 019 | Short-term Rainfall Forecasting Using Multi-layer Perceptron | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 020 | I/O Workload Management for All-Flash Datacenter Storage Systems Based on Total Cost of Ownership | BIG DATA | |
DST TO AD 01 | A Decentralized Replica placement algorithm for Edge computing | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 02 | Joint Bidding and Geographical Load Balancing for Datacenters: Is Uncertainty a Blessing or a Curse? | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 03 | Effects of C/U plane separation and Bearer aggregation in mobile core Network | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 04 | Efficient deep neural network serving fast and furious | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 05 | Enhancing information resilience in Disruptive information centric networks | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 06 | Ghost Riders :sybil Attacks on crowd sourced Mobile mapping services | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 07 | Joint mobility management and Multicast Rate adaption in software defined Enterprise WLANs | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 08 | Probabilistic Code book based fault localization in Data networks | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 09 | Towards Bayesian-based Trust Management for Insider Attacks in Healthcare Software-Defined Networks | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 010 | Traffic Classification Based on Zero-Length Packets | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 011 | Traffic Classification Based on Zero-Length Packets | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 012 | Charging Utility Maximization in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks by Charging Multiple Sensors Simultaneously | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 013 | Context-Aware Hierarchical Online Learning for Performance Maximization in Mobile Crowd sourcing | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 014 | ECN Marking With Micro-Burst Traffic: Problem, Analysis, and Improvement | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 015 | Minimum-Weight Link-Disjoint Node-“Somewhat Disjoint” Paths | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 016 | Oblivious Routing in IP networks | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 017 | Optimal network service chain provisioning | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 018 | Sponsoring mobile data analyzing the impact on internet stack holders | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 019 | BitCoding: Network Traffic Classification Through Encoded Bit Level Signatures | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 020 | Merlin: A Language for Managing Network Resources | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 021 | A Reputation-Based Model for Trust Evaluation in Social Cyber-Physical Systems | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 022 | Computation Peer Offloading for Energy-Constrained Mobile Edge Computing in Small-Cell Networks | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 023 | Data Center Demand Response With On-Site Renewable Generation: A Bargaining Approach | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 024 | Task Allocation Scheme for Cyber Physical Social Systems | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 025 | Trust-based Social Networks with Computing, Caching and Communications: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach | NETWORKING | |
DST TO AD 01 | A Shoulder Surfing Resistant Graphical Authentication System | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 02 | Efficient Anonymous Message Submission | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 03 | Risk Assessment in Social Networks based on User Anomalous Behaviors | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 04 | Shadow Attacks based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical Analysis | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 05 | Building PUF based Authentication and Key Exchange Protocol for IoT without Explicit CRPs in Verifier Database | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 06 | MARP: A Distributed MAC Layer Attack Resistant Pseudonym Scheme for VANE | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 07 | Multi-CDN: Towards Privacy in Content Delivery Networks | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 08 | On the Efficiency of FHE-based Private Queries | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 09 | PDA: Semantically Secure Time-Series Data Analytics with Dynamic User Groups | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 010 | Randomness Tests in Hostile Environments | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 011 | Understanding JavaScript Vulnerabilities in Large Real- World Android Applications | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 012 | Safety Decidability for Pre-Authorization Usage Control with Identifier Attribute Domains | SECURE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 01 | Achieving Fairness-aware Two-level Scheduling for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems | SERVICE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 02 | Optimizing Autonomic Resources for the Management of Large Service-Based Business Processes | SERVICE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 03 | Privacy Preserving Location-Aware Personalized Web Service Recommendations | SERVICE COMPUTING | |
DST TO AD 04 | Quality and Profit Assured Trusted Cloud Federation Formation: Game Theory Based Approach | SERVICE COMPUTING |
