S.NO | TITLES | Download |
DST TO TC 01 | Rfid based airport luggage checking and tracking system using gsm technology | |
DST TO TC 02 | Towards a novel approach for designing smart classrooms | |
DST TO TC 03 | Design and implementation of an interactive road safety system for young bikers | |
DST TO TC 04 | Smart Pilgrim: A Mobile-sensor-cloud Based System To Safeguard Pilgrims Through Smart Environment | |
DST TO TC 05 | On Access Control In Cabin-based Transport Systems | |
DST TO TC 06 | An intelligent dress uniform identification system | |
DST TO TC 07 | Lane change detection algorithm on real world driving for arbitrary road infrastructures | |
DST TO TC 08 | Condition monitoring of wind turbine blades using active and passive thermograph | |
DST TO TC 09 | Wireless digital traffic signs of the future | |
DST TO TC 010 | Collision warning with auto brake & complete high voltage disconnect during crash | |
DST TO TC 011 | A Smartphone-based System For Improving Pedestrian Safety | |
DST TO TC 012 | Design Of Touch-screen By Human Skin For Appliances | |
DST TO TC 013 | Drunken driving detection using car ignition locking | |
DST TO TC 014 | An rfid based smart evm system for reducing electoral frauds | |
DST TO TC 015 | Raspberry pi based real time tracing system | |
DST TO TC 016 | Real-time Eye Tracking For Password Authentication | |
DST TO TC 017 | Intelligent food and grain storage management system for the warehouse and cold storage | |
DST TO TC 018 | Vehicle seat vacancy identification using image processing technique | |
DST TO TC 019 | Fingerprint based exam hall authentication | |
DST TO TC 020 | Sensepods: A Zigbee-based Tangible Smart Home Interface | |
DST TO TC 021 | Analysis Of Three Iot-based Wireless Sensors For Environmental Monitoring | |
DST TO TC 022 | Implementation And Recent Progress In Cloud-based Smart Home Automation Systems | |
DST TO TC 023 | The car door safety system with wireless alert transmission | |
DST TO TC 024 | Secure and robust user authentication using partial fingerprint matching | |
DST TO TC 025 | Secure And Robust User Authentication Using Partial Fingerprint matchingraspberry Pi And Gsm Based Smart Energy Meter For Advanced Metering And Billing System | |
DST TO TC 026 | Continuous arm gesture recognition based on natural features and logistic regression. | |
DST TO TC 027 | Continuous arm gesture recognition based on natural features and logistic regression. | |
DST TO TC 028 | Ob City – Definition Of A Family-based Intervention For Childhood Obesity Supported By Information And Communication Technologies | |
DST TO TC 029 | Pricing Data Tampering In Automated Fare Collection With Nfc-equipped Smart Phones | |
DST TO TC 030 | Non-invasive Flexible And Stretchable Wearable Sensors With Nano Based Enhancement For Chronic Disease Care | |
DST TO TC 031 | Driver and passenger identification from smartphone data | |
DST TO TC 032 | System architecture for tracking passengers inside an airport terminal using rfid | |
DST TO TC 033 | An automatic rfid detection based railway identification system | |
DST TO TC 034 | A sewer sensor monitoring system based on embedded system | |
DST TO TC 035 | Optimized sensor based smart system for efficient monitoring grain storage | |
DST TO TC 036 | Educating students in remote areas using augmented reality | |
DST TO TC 037 | Design and implementation of human motion information collection system | |
DST TO TC 038 | A Dual-link Soft Handover Scheme For C/u Plane Split Network In High-speed Railway | |
DST TO TC 039 | Multi-sensor Integrated System For Wireless Monitoring Of Greenhouse Environment | |
DST TO TC 040 | Smart ration card system using rfid and embedded system | |
DST TO TC 041 | Wireless Communication Technologies For Smart Grid (wams) Deployment | |
DST TO TC 042 | A Real-time Flood Alert System For Parking Lots | |
DST TO TC 043 | Battery-less Soil Moisture Measurement System Based On A Nfc Device With Energy Harvesting Capability | |
DST TO TC 044 | Body and fall detection system with heart rate monitoring | |
DST TO TC 045 | Design of the intelligent control system of classroom based on raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 046 | Rfid based pesticides dosing with automatic plant irrigation for agriculture applications | |
DST TO TC 047 | Driver Behavior Assessment Based On Loosely Coupled Gps/ins Integration In Harsh Environment | |
DST TO TC 048 | Edge Computing-based Intelligent Manhole Cover Management System For Smart Cities | |
DST TO TC 049 | An Iot Based Multi-parameter Data Acquisition System For Efficient Bio-tele Monitoring Of Pregnant Women At Home | |
DST TO TC 050 | Fingerprint and iris biometric controlled smart banking machine embedded with gsm technology for otp | |
DST TO TC 051 | The methodology review of traffic safety monitoring by using video recording for express bus | |
DST TO TC 052 | Tmcas:an Mqtt Based Collision Avoidance System For Railway Network | |
DST TO TC 053 | Prototyping Of Class-attendance System Using Mifare 1k Smart Card And Raspberry Pi 3 | |
DST TO TC 054 | Low cost nano satellite communication system using gnuradio, hackrf, and raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 055 | Smart bus alert system for easy navigation of blind | |
DST TO TC 056 | Bi-directional Li-fi Communication For Transmitting Data, Audio And Image Information | |
DST TO TC 057 | A blind navigation system using rfid for indoor & outdoor environments | |
DST TO TC 058 | Development Of Reverse Vending Machine (rvm) Framework For Implementation To A Standard Recycle Bin | |
DST TO TC 059 | Onboard entertainment services using raspberry pi with recommendation engine | |
DST TO TC 060 | High protection voice identification based bank locker security system with live image authentication | |
DST TO TC 061 | Integrated system for regional navigator and seasons management | |
DST TO TC 062 | Efficient smart emergency response system for fire hazards using iot | |
DST TO TC 063 | A review on night vision robot patrolling and monitoring system | |
DST TO TC 064 | Iot based digital signage board using raspberry pi 3 | |
DST TO TC 065 | Real time position tracking system using google maps api v3 | |
DST TO TC 066 | School bus monitoring system using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 067 | Water level monitoring and dam gate control over iot | |
DST TO TC 068 | Voice assisted text reading system for visually impaired persons using tts method | |
DST TO TC 069 | Waiter robot – solution to restaurant automation | |
DST TO TC 070 | Integrated cafeteria management system using rfid | |
DST TO TC 071 | Investigating thermal comfort for the classroom environment using iot | |
DST TO TC 072 | Automatic gas cylinder booking over iot | |
DST TO TC 073 | Raspberry pi based intelligent autonomous campus mobility services | |
DST TO TC 074 | Rfid based secure smart school bus system | |
DST TO TC 075 | Semantic Rules Engine For The Industrial Internet-of-things Gateways | |
DST TO TC 076 | Iot electronic door opener | |
DST TO TC 077 | Smart ration card system using rfid and embedded system | |
DST TO TC 078 | Iot-based Drone For Improvement Of Crop Quality In Agricultural Field | |
DST TO TC 079 | Voter identification and detection system using rfid and gsm to stop rigging in the elections | |
DST TO TC 080 | Voice Based Hot Cold-water Dispenser System Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 081 | Ultrasonic music beats player using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 082 | Raspberry pi based vehicle starter on face detection | |
DST TO TC 083 | Third eye for blind ultrasonic vibrator glove | |
DST TO TC 084 | Smart charger monitoring system | |
DST TO TC 085 | Sms voting system project | |
DST TO TC 086 | Raspberry pi based automatic selfie booth | |
DST TO TC 087 | Motion based door opener with metal detector | |
DST TO TC 088 | Secure fingerprint bank locker with image capture | |
DST TO TC 089 | Accurate speed control of electric car using arm | |
DST TO TC 090 | Accurate speed control of electric car using arm | |
DST TO TC 091 | Android controlled wildlife observation robot | |
DST TO TC 092 | Rfid based animal tracking system | |
DST TO TC 093 | Human-cloud Integration In Next Generation Healthcare Systems For Wearable Devices | |
DST TO TC 094 | Real-time Monitoring Of Bone Fracture Recovery By Using Aware, Sensing, Smart And Active Orthopedic Devices | |
DST TO TC 095 | An iot platform integrated into an energy efficient dc lighting grid | |
DST TO TC 096 | An Agent-based Iot System For Intelligent Energy Monitoring In Buildings | |
DST TO TC 097 | Ssl: smart street lamp based on fog computing for smarter cities | |
DST TO TC 098 | An automatic rfid detection based railway identification system | |
DST TO TC 099 | Statistical analysis of co2 emission based on road grade, acceleration and vehicle specific power for public utility vehicles: an iot application | |
DST TO TC 100 | Novel ibeacon placement for indoor positioning in iot | |
DST TO TC 101 | Microcontroller based automatic waste segregator | |
DST TO TC 102 | Raspberry pi based automatic waste segregator | |
DST TO TC 103 | Design and implementation of an interactive road safety system for young bikers using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 104 | A Mobile-sensor-cloud Based System To Safeguard Pilgrims Through Smart Environment With Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 105 | On Access Control In Cabin-based Transport Systems Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 106 | An intelligent dress uniform identification system using arduino | |
DST TO TC 107 | Lane change detection algorithm on real world driving for arbitrary road infrastructures using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 108 | Arduino based wireless digital traffic signs of the future | |
DST TO TC 109 | A Smartphone-based System For Improving Pedestrian Safety Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 110 | 8051 Based Smartphone-based System For Improving Pedestrian Safety | |
DST TO TC 111 | Design And Implementation Of Touch-screen By Human Skin For Appliances Using Arduino |
> |
DST TO TC 112 | Automatic car ignition locking using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 113 | Drunken driving detection using car ignition locking using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 114 | Real time tracking system using arduino | |
DST TO TC 115 | Real-time Eye Tracking For Password Authentication Using Arduino | |
DST TO TC 116 | Arduino based vehicle seat vacancy identification | |
DST TO TC 117 | Fingerprint based exam hall authentication with raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 118 | Raspberry pi based road side detection and tracking | |
DST TO TC 119 | Simple road side detection and tracking by 8051 | |
DST TO TC 120 | Sensepods: A Zigbee-based Tangible Smart Home Interface With Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 121 | Analysis of wireless sensors for environmental monitoring using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 122 | Analysis Of Three Iot-based Wireless Sensors For Environmental Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 123 | Raspberry Pi Based Implementation And Recent Progress In Cloud-based Smart Home Automation Systems | |
DST TO TC 124 | The car door safety system with wireless alert transmission using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 125 | Raspberry pi based car door safety system with wireless alert | |
DST TO TC 126 | Secure and robust user authentication using partial fingerprint matching using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 127 | Continuous arm gesture recognition based on natural features and logistic regression using arduino | |
DST TO TC 128 | Raspberry Pi Pricing Data Tampering In Automated Fare Collection With Nfc-equipped Smart Phones | |
DST TO TC 129 | Driver and passenger identification from smartphone data using arduino | |
DST TO TC 130 | System architecture for tracking passengers inside an airport terminal using rfid using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 131 | Raspberry pi base system architecture for tracking passengers inside an airport terminal using rfid | |
DST TO TC 132 | A Real-time Flood Alert System For Parking Lots Using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 133 | Raspberry Pi Real-time Flood Alert System For Parking Lots | |
DST TO TC 134 | Design of the intelligent control system of classroom based on arduino | |
DST TO TC 135 | Raspberry Pi Driver Behavior Assessment Based On Loosely Coupled Gps/ins Integration In Harsh Environment | |
DST TO TC 136 | 8051 based intelligent manhole cover management system for smart cities | |
DST TO TC 137 | Edge Computing-based Intelligent Manhole Cover Management System For Smart Cities Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 138 | Prototyping Of Class-attendance System Using Arduino | |
DST TO TC 139 | Low cost nano satellite communication system using arduino | |
DST TO TC 140 | 8051 based smart bus alert system for easy navigation of blind | |
DST TO TC 141 | Smart bus alert system for easy navigation of blind by using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 142 | Raspberry Pi Bsed Bi-directional Li-fi Communication For Transmitting Data, Audio And Image Information | |
DST TO TC 143 | Bi-directional Li-fi Communication For Transmitting Data, Audio Information Using Arduino | |
DST TO TC 144 | Bi-directional Li-fi Communication For Transmitting Data, Audio And Image Information Using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 145 | A blind navigation system using rfid for indoor & outdoor environments using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 146 | Development Of Reverse Vending Machine (rvm) Framework For Implementation To A Standard Recycle Bin Using Raspberry Pi | |
DST TO TC 147 | Arduino based high protection voice identification based bank locker security system with live image authentication | |
DST TO TC 148 | A review on night vision robot patrolling and monitoring system using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 149 | Solar based automatic irrigation robot for farm monitoring | |
DST TO TC 150 | Development of Bluetooth Based Indoor Positioning Application | |
DST TO TC 151 | Design of a contactless tachometer using arduino | |
DST TO TC 152 | A smart helmet for air quality and hazardous event detection for the mining industry | |
DST TO TC 153 | Developing fish feeder system using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 154 | Intelligent food and grain storage system for the warehouses and cold storage | |
DST TO TC 155 | PIC Microcontroller Based Power Factor Correction for Both Leading and Lagging Loads Using Compensation methodpic Microcontroller Based Power Factor Correction for Both Leading and Lagging Loads Using Compensation Method | |
DST TO TC 156 | Iot based bridge safety monitoring system | |
DST TO TC 157 | Medicine Reminder and Monitoring System for Secure Health using IOT | |
DST TO TC 158 | The High Security Smart Helmet Using Internet of Things | |
DST TO TC 159 | Smart city platform development for an automated waste collection system | |
DST TO TC 160 | Under pipe, traveling robot to detect gas line leakage and address navigation to cloud over iot | |
DST TO TC 161 | Iot based liquid level monitor | |
DST TO TC 162 | Toll Gate Traffic Monitor And Analyze Using iot | |
DST TO TC 163 | Iot based password based circuit breaker | |
DST TO TC 164 | Bore well water quality and motor based on iot gateway | |
DST TO TC 165 | Novel parking management system, for smart cities, to save fuel, time, and money | |
DST TO TC 166 | Intelligent food and grain storage system for the warehouses and cold storages | |
DST TO TC 167 | Prototype implementation of ble based automated data collection scheme in agriculture management system | |
DST TO TC 168 | Raspberry pi and gsm based smart and billing system | |
DST TO TC 169 | A Survey on the Roles of Communication Technologies in iot-based Personalized Healthcare applications | |
DST TO TC 170 | Study on Remote Control System of Rural Water Treatment Equipment Based on Lab view | |
DST TO TC 171 | Advanced IOT Based Combined Remote Health Monitoring, Home Automation and Alarm System | |
DST TO TC 172 | System of Detection and Scanning Bar Codes from Raspberry Pi Web Camera | |
DST TO TC 173 | Simple road side detection and tracing on embedded pc | |
DST TO TC 174 | Voter identification and detection system using rfid and gsm to stop rigging in thew elections | |
DST TO TC 175 | Sms voting syetm project | |
DST TO TC 176 | Gsm based digital fuel meter and fuel theft detection using pic microcontroller | |
DST TO TC 177 | Accurate speed control of electric car using arm 7 | |
DST TO TC 178 | Accurate speed control of electric car using arm | |
DST TO TC 179 | Gsm based digital fuel meter and fuel theft detection using arduino | |
DST TO TC 180 | Iot based indoor air pollution monitoring using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 181 | Smart ration card system using rfid with raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 182 | Rfid based petrol pump automation system with raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 183 | Automatic movable railway platform with train arrival detection using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 184 | Rfid based pesticides dosing with automatic plant irrigation for agriculture applications using 8051 | |
DST TO TC 185 | Rfid based secure smart school bus system using raspberry pi | |
DST TO TC 186 | Automatic waste segregator using 8051 microcontroller | |
DST TO TC 187 | Iot based indoor air pollution monitoring using arduino | |
DST TO TC 188 | Protection of power transformer using arduino | |
DST TO TC 189 | Voice assisted text reading system for visually impaired persons using tts method | |
DST TO TC 190 | Iot-based droe for improvement of crop quality in agriculture feild | |
DST TO TC 191 | Smart energy meter for advanced metering and billing system using arduino | |
DST TO TC 193 | Development Of Reverse Vending Machine (rvm) Framework For Implementation To A Standard Recycle Bin using Arduino | |
DST TO TC 194 | Intelligent autonomous campus mobility services using arduino | |
DST TO TC 195 | Laser bank security system | |
DST TO TC 196 | IOT based Feedback System For public sectors | |
DST TO TC 197 | Data transmission through sound waves | |
DST TO TC 198 | Implementation of network weather report system through network state observation | |
DST TO TC 199 | Design and analysis of a smart blind stick for visual impairment |
